See also:
This necessary reminder of the progressive roots of patriotic traditions.
StinkyLulu's 2006 4th of July Video Prayer.
This necessary reminder of the progressive roots of patriotic traditions.
StinkyLulu's 2006 4th of July Video Prayer.
stinky --i didn't know you were friends with Misstress Formika. love the mistress...
and hear you on the contradictory feelings
I haven't seen Misstress in 10 years maybe, but yeah -- we ran in the same circle during high school. Though Mistress ran a lot more fabulously.
One version of the story has Misstress's first public appearance in full drag happening at my 16th birthday party. (M arrived to my doorstep in full Cher with another friend as Divine in tow. They were preparing to premiere at an after hours club later that night & my sweet sixteen was their out of town tryout.) I lived in the sticks so they had to maneuver a gravel driveway and happy dobermans to get to the door. My parents were pretty astonished by the whole spectacle.
My favorite tidbit: The only time M and I shared the stage was in our sophomore year production of Inherit The Wind in which M played the local evangelical preacher... M's fire and brimstone was perhaps my first live glimpse of "fierce."
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