
Supporting Actress Blogathon - The Class of 2006

Actressing at the Edges in 2006

Supporting Actress Blogathon!
Scroll down for appreciations of all kinds of actressing @ 23 a
ctressexual blogs
check back throughout the day for more posts

and 2006's Supporting Actresses are...
(click blog name for link)

Adriana Barraza in Babel (Strange Culture)
Lindsay Beamish in Shortbus (StinkyLulu)
Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada (All About My Movies)
Abigail Breslin & Toni Collette in Little Miss Sunshine (Crumb by Crumb)
Princess Diana in The Queen (I Am Screaming & Punching Myself)
Vera Farmiga in Running Scared (Ultimate Addict)
Pam Ferris in Children of Men (As Little As Possible)
Deborra-Lee Furness in Jindabyne (Stale Popcorn)
Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls (Fumbling Toward Divinity)
Ashley Johnson in Fast Food Nation (Nick's Pick Flicks)
Rinko Kikuchi in Babel (Deep In Your Eyes)
Mia Kirshner in The Black Dahlia (Radio-Allegro - with audio!)
Lindsay Lohan in A Prairie Home Companion (The Cellar Door)
Catherine O'Hara in For Your Consideration (And Your Little Blog Too)
Blanca Portillo in Volver (Criticlasm)
Laura Ramsey in She's The Man (Just Jakey)
Diana Rigg in The Painted Veil (Sarcasm with a Light Cream Sauce)
Chloë Sevigny in Big Love (Electronic Cerebrectomy)
Phyllis Somerville in Little Children (He Thinks He's A God)
Meryl Streep in A Prairie Home Companion (The Film Experience)
Emma Thompson in Stranger Than Fiction (Joe's Movie Corner)
Kerry Washington in The Last King of Scotland (Modern Fabulousity)
Grace Zabriskie in Inland Empire (Mainly Movies)

...and how thoughtful of the New York Times critics
to develop their own contribution to the Supporting Actress blogathon...
And if, like Stephen, AO & dear Manohla, you find yourself unexpectedly inspired to contribute to "The Class of 2006" just email the link to your post to StinkyLulu. Contributions will be added to the list as they are received...


Craig Hickman said...

Who is the actress in the lower left-hand corner of the photo montage?

StinkyLulu said...

Seema Biswas in Water


thank you for hosting this. I'm amazed at the number of women cited and it's so cool that it's not just the usual suspects. if only awards season would show as much film-loving variety

NicksFlickPicks said...

I agree! The variety is delicious, and the write-ups have been great fun to read. I hope there are even more coming!

StinkyLulu said...

I'm only aware of one (for sure) that's still on it's way. Other than that, we can just keep our fingers crossed...

But the range? Exactly what I hoped for... It's like Xmas all over again!

Ash said...

i agree thrice- what a great bunch of choices-and what a delicious idea Stinky! props to you!

Craig Hickman said...

Thanks for hosting this, StinkyLulu. I feel like a part of something fabulous, and who doesn't love that feeling?!!!

J.D. said...

This really is a good idea. Thanks for hosting it. Kudos.

SamuraiFrog said...

I love that no two people picked the same person. Great stuff!

Glenn Dunks said...

Yeah, I'm shocked that there's so much diversity.

Well done StinkyLu! You deserve big props!


it's also nice that half of the frontrunners are absent. nice to hear about other performances in such a good year for acting.

The Jaded Armchair Reviewer said...

Darn, I would have liked to have written about Phyllis Somerville in "Little Children." :(

Otherwise another great feature. I like getting convinced to watch even more movies (Nick & Nathaniel's being most convincing in the "why couldn't I see it that way?" sense).

StinkyLulu said...

Back atcha y'all on the "props" point. It's been a totally awesome "if you build it..." kinda thing. And given that I didn't ask folks to "claim" who they were writing about, I'm frankly shocked that we didn't develop a few "piles" on particular perfs. (Indeed, my big gay fear was that it'd be all about Blunt & JHud, with one or two others.)

And, to JS and others, I'm still accepting posts... So if the actressexual spirit so moves ya...

Criticlasm said...

I did email Stephen Holden and let him know about it, so who knows.....?

The Jaded Armchair Reviewer said...

Thanks! I'll get right on it. :)

Glenn Dunks said...

Holy crap! I just watched Water. Seema Biswas! Yowza.

StinkyLulu said...

I know, kamikaze, I know.

Biswas and Epps are -- I think -- my favorite performances of the year.