Supporting Actress Blogathon
Sunday, January 17, 2010
(the Sunday before the Oscar nomination ballots are due)
All bloggers -- no matter the usual focus of their blog -- are invited to contribute to this collaborative compendium documenting 2009's hardworking crew of Supporting Actresses. All you have to do is develop a post detailing your thoughts on any single Supporting Actress performance from 2009. Please limit yourself to one performance, performer, &/or film per blogathon post. (BUT do feel free to spread your love & develop multiple entries.) There's no need to "sign up" or "claim" a given performer/performance for the blogathon. (We'll just see how things stack up.). Finally, in addition to obvious "contender" performances, commentaries on obscure, ineligible, no-chance-in-hell &/or idiosyncratic performances are especially welcome. Like the blogathons for The Class of 2006, The Class of 2007, and The Class of 2008 this year's blogathon aims to accomplish a complex, diverse and fully-rounded portrait of the Supporting Actress Class of 2009.
Just email StinkyLulu with your plans to participate as soon as possible. Promote the blogathon on your own blog if you wish, linking to this post and using these graphics (poster, button, panel). Then, no later than the crack of dawn on the morning of January 17th, send along the link to your blog entry/ies. StinkyLulu will post links to all participating blogs throughout the day.