
Madeline Kahn (1942-1999) :: Day of Appreciation

As soon as you, lovely reader, determined that StinkyLulu should spend May 2008 contemplating the actresses at the edges of 1999, it quickly became clear that 'twas necessary do something special in memory of one of StinkyLulu's most treasured supporting actresses who passed away in 1999: Madeline Kahn. Thus, apropos of nothing but my enduring affection for her (today's neither Ms. Kahn's birthday nor is it the anniversary of her passing), I decided to call a special event in her memory: a day on which bloggers of all stripes might express their particular appreciations of La Kahn. The day has arrived, and the posts are rolling in. (And it's not too late -- send the link to your appreciation here -- I'll be updating throughout day.)

So I humbly welcome you to...
Day of Appreciation
in honor of
Scroll down for appreciations of all things Madeline.
15 appreciations from 14

check back throughout the day for updates as entries arrive
1974 : The Overlooked - Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein (Canadian Ken)
Beyond Lili Von Shtupp (Modern Fabulousity)
Don't You Tell Me What's Nessa! (Heather Muses)
The Greatest Film Comedienne of All Time? (RocketVideoBlog)
I am not a Eunice Burns, I am the Eunice Burns (papal bull)
I'm Tired (Forward to Yesterday)
In the Key of Kahn (as little as possible)
I've Grown Accustomed to Her Voice (The First Picture of Life)
Madeline Kahn Brightens a Paper Moon (And Your Little Blog Too)
Madeline Kahn's Debut (Criticlasm)
Madeline Kahn's Lovely Head
(he thinks he's a god)
Madeline Kahn in Blazing Saddles (1974) - Supporting Actress Sundays (stinkylulu)
Madeline Kahn in Judy Berlin (1999) (stinkylulu)
Quietly, With Madeline (when i look deep in your eyes)
You Had Me at "Woof" (Allan's UnJournal)

And please do consider honoring Madeline Kahn's memory
with a donation to any of the following charities.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. My quicky post is up. What it lacks in originality it makes up for in a surefire youtube embed.

  3. I just posted my tribute to Eunice Burns, largely because no one had taken that one yet. Hope you like it!

  4. your email's bouncing -- so:

    i have contributed to your lovely holiday here

    thanks for instigating it!

  5. I was actually thinking about Madeline and the appreciation day when driving home last night -- when I heard about Harvey Korman's death on the radio. Brought Blazing Saddles even more to the forefront for me.

  6. Flames, on the side of my face, hot, flames...

  7. I'm stunned that no one dove into "Clue." I would've, had I known. Thanks for this appreciation day, SL. Very nice to remember.
