
Independent Spirit Nominations - Best Supporting Female

The 2007 Independent Spirit Nominations were announced this morning. And, of course, the category of primary interest for LaLulu -- the one honoring actressing at the edges -- is what those Independent Spirits call:

...and the Class of 2006 nominees are:

Melonie Diaz
- A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Marcia Gay Harden - American Gun
Mary Beth Hurt - The Dead Girl
Frances McDormand - Friends with Money
Amber Tamblyn - Stephanie Daley

[click on film title for trailer/preview]

Now, StinkyLulu's only screened Ms. McDormand's work in this category and (truth be told) it didn't bode well for StinkyLulu's first impressions of this nominated field. (StinkyLulu sometimes wonders if Franny and MarciaGay are the default nominees for the late '90s & the '00s, sorta like what Thelma Ritter was to the '50s and Glenn Close was to the early '80s: when in in doubt nominate _______.) Anyway, now having viewed the trailers for most of the nominated films, StinkyLu has to concede that these films seem jampacked with innersting actressing at the edges... And if Mary Beth Hurt popped from that supporting cast? Well...it'll be interesting to see if this is the year where StinkyLulu's official opinion of Mary Beth Hurt finally changes. (And if you, lovely reader, have the opportunity to screen any of these nominated performances and are so inspired to rave -- the Class of 2006 Supporting Actress Blogathon's just around the corner!)

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