
In Dolly News...

StinkyLulu remains simply fascinated by this bit of rumor buzzing around the interweb over the last week:
Chenoweth Dolly's Pick For Biopic

According to LaChenoweth:

"I love Dolly, everybody loves her. I talked with her at the Capitol on Memorial Day at one of the concerts and she jumped out of a freakin' cake with a red white and blue hat and just looked amazing. Her waist was tiny and I was just in amazement (sitting) in the wings. She walked up to me and she said, 'I've been hearing about you now Kristy. I just can't see anybody else playing me but you.' She calls her assistant in, 'Carol have you seen this girl? She's so me! Look at her.' Then she said, 'You know what, I'm gonna have my people stay in touch with you and see what we can do about that.'"
(see Cinematical, see also.)
Golly. Dolly. Can you imagine! A Dolly movie! Starring Little Miss Kristin?!? (As it happens, Lu screened a bit of Wicked for class the other day, and this was all StinkyLulu could think about. It could really really work.) If LaChenoweth blows the roof off The Apple Tree (which just might happen; previews actually start tonight after a brief delay), Kristin as Dolly will officially be one of StinkyLulu's favorite movie fantasies...

1 comment:

  1. I saw Chenoweth in the Encores production of The Apple Tree in May 2005. One of the great performances of musical comedy I've ever seen. They are very smart to bring it to Broadway. But from what I've seen thusfar, Chenoweth definitely belongs on stage, not on screen. Her charisma is fed by a live audience. She is a performer, not a screen star.
