
Supporting Actress Sundays for DECEMBER: 1975

THANKS as ever, lovely readers, for making the curiously dry year of 1974 so lively and fun come Smackdown time. As StinkyLulu's new friends at Greencine Daily so kindly noted, 1974 became "particularly fun [because] the pickings are so slim." But with a Smackdown comes a new month of Supporting Actress Sundays... And though 'tis tough to say whether 'twas the recent passing of Robert Altman that put 1975 over the top, but after a last 24-hour surge for 1957 that kept things tight until the last minute, 1975 emerged the victor and, thus, this coming Sunday will begin December's Month of Supporting Actress Sundays, which means it's all about...

Supporting Actresses Smackdown for 1975:
Sunday, December 31.

And because it's a long month of Sundays, and its a busy but flexible time of year, StinkyLulu is realistically hoping to toss at least one or two CouldaShouldaWouldas on the pile. So, lovely reader, do holler if you wanna hear StinkyLulu ramble about a favorite 1975 performance. (Lu's especially keen for kooky, obscure, ethnic or otherwise "off-the-radar" performances.) No promises, but Lu'll give it a shot... After all, 'tis the holidaze & Lu's getting all giddy with generosity...


  1. 1957 and 1966 would've been interesting. Especially considering some of the clunker performances that got in (in 1957 I'm talking about Diane Varsi and Miyoshi Umeki, in 1966 I'm talking about Jocelyn Lagarde & Vivien Marchant). Lagarde, in particular, was a 400 lb, 6'1" woman who never acted in a film before and never did again, she only spoke French, so she learned her English lines phonoetically. One of the flukiest contenders ever (she won the Golden Globe too!).

  2. The year of Nashville, huh? Well, when you watch that movie, pay attention to the act that has a really tall women and a really short women singing. The short women is my high school drama teacher. She's credited as Sheila Bailey and the group is called the Smokey Mountain Laurels.

    Love Lily Tomlin in that movie.
