
To Dos Day

An anonymous little birdie tipped me off to a recent appearance by the woman who is perhaps my favorite Reality TV "character" ever: Nurse Shelley! (From, you know, my beloved Celebrity Rehab!) Apparently, just last Friday, Shelley Sprague made an appearance on something called Dave Navarro's Spread TV, an online talk show in which the ever hot/strange Dave Navarro does his own version of a late night talk show "where he focuses on the arts and [the] human condition." See Shelley's appearance via streaming video (Shelley's on from about minute 11 through minute 25 or so) and discover that, yes, Shelley and I were both slutty groupies on a Red Hot Chili Peppers tour in the 1990s. Me in my fantasies, and her in scary reality. (Now I'm all caught up in the entirely inappropriate fantasy that Dave Navarro will come over to my house for turkey burgers and Celebrity Rehab once the next season begins. What can you say? Some are sicker than others.) But, as always, Shelley's great even when the show gets a little weird. Look for her skillful assessment of DaBaldwin as well as her discussion of the distinction between treatment and 12step. I love Nurse Shelley.

___ Item 2: CHECK ME OUT.
Last week, I asked if people cared about how I formatted my screening log. The response was, shall we say, overwhelming. Which helped me to get honest about the fact that I wanted to make a change in the way I "took notes" on all the movies I screen at home or a'cinema. So, I revamped my existing livejournal page as StinkyLulu's Screening Log, where I'll be posting my unedited ramblings. I've also added a "blidget" to the sidebar on this -- the main StinkyLulu page -- to keep you updated on what movies I've posted about. So, check it out. Bookmark it. Sign up for the RSS feed. "Friend" me. Comment promiscuously. Do what you will. I'm already sorta loving it and -- sniff -- I hope you do too.

___ Item 3: GAY FILM.
I really appreciated the beginnings of the conversations about the current state of independent LGBT cinema that got started a few weeks back. Be sure to check out the really smart posts at Criticlasm and Category D that, in their own way, took up the challenge and framed some even better questions. I'll be steeping in these questions for some time as I continue to serve on the selection committee for the 6th Annual Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival over the next several months. All of which is to say: you can likely expect more ruminations on the topic. I'm becoming increasingly curious as to whether "the queer cinematic moment" has passed.

___ Item 4: JOIN A FILM CLUB.
I've recently joined two: Film of the Month Club and Final Girl's Film Club. So far, I'm not a very reliable member of either one, but do look for my contributions to each...

Don't forget - StinkyLulu's Madeline Kahn Appreciation Day on Thursday, May 29, 2008 -- a random day on which all bloggers are invited to offer their appreciations of the life and work of Madeline Kahn (1942-1999). And, please, don't forget to send me the details so's I can link up....

Most of you likely already know that StinkyLulu's beloved Modern Fabulousity has decided to step down from the pedestal of blogging semi-superstardom for a while. Witnessing this move is bittersweet for me. ModFab is both a blogfriend and a "for reals" friend and I know that this move is both courageous and correct. Yet, were it not for ModFab, StinkyLulu would literally not be what it is today. (For example, Supporting Actress Sundays/Smackdowns would have never happened without the blogfriends I made and inspirations I got by participating as one of the ModFab6.) So, join me in wishing ModFab "happy trails" and consider sharing your thoughts about this transition in comments. Do you think "blogging" is changing? On the way out? Passé? Do tell...

Have at it, lovelies...

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