
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: HAPPINESS IS...
The Disney Villainesses doing "The Cell Block Tango." (Via The Film Experience.)

___ Item 2: ENJOY.
Way back when, I worked an event in NYC in which I was briefly charged with escorting Supporting Actress Legend Celeste Holm around a big hotel banquet hall
. The room was crowded with glamorous stage folk, some of whom I also helped find their way this way and that, but amongst them all I was most impressed by Ms. Holm, who radiated humor and humanity the whole time. (My two favorite moments? First, when she intervened to prevent Anne Meara from falling on her ass. Second, when she sought me out as she was leaving to offer her thanks for my help that day.) The woman's a class act and a hoot to boot. Need proof? Check out this recent Celeste sighting over at And Your Little Blog, Too.

One of my recurring interests, one which I don't think I've ever mentioned here, is the subject of queer-affirming young adult fiction. I first fell under the spell when a friend gifted me the whole Weetzie Bat series a few years back. And recently my interest has been reanimated, thanks to the suggestion of James Howe'sTotally Joe which I read on the way back from San Franfrisky. (I've also just can't get Jean Ferris' Eight Seconds out of my head, a less tragic Brokeback Mountain featuring contemporary kids.) So, if any of y'all have any suggestions, I'm all ears. Share your suggestions in comments or via email.

I love cake. I love pudding. I love cake and pudding all swilled together. Yet I'm not sure how I feel about cakefarts & puddingfarts.
(NSFW - thanks, Lady Bunny, I think.)

___ Item 5: CLICK BACK.
The 1949 Smackdown's scheduled for this Sunday, with my remaining profiles likely to hit the intertubes in the next days. It's an interesting year and 'twill be fascinating to see how things shake out.

___ Item 6: REMEMBER.
As you certainly know, Estelle Getty passed away today. Though she was never among StinkyLulu's superfavorites (she'd probably rank #4 if I were to rank my favorite Golden Girls), the woman -- whose acting career did not begin until her late 50s -- did portray major roles in three touchstone texts of my early queer consciousness: Mask; the stage version of Torch Song Trilogy; and -- natch -- Golden Girls. I likely won't have time to do a tribute to her incredible, subtle work as the anxious but loving grandmother in Mask but I find myself wondering: what are other great Estelle moments? Share your favorites in comments, pussycat.

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. I read Camryn Manheim's autobiography over the spring when I was going through a memoir phase. There's a rather interesting chapter about when she did a reading with Celeste Holm, who apparently gave the other actresses a lot of unsolicited advice as to how to approach their work. Manheim chose to read the line her way, and Celeste wouldn't talk to her after the show. I'm not sharing this just to negate any of your recent postings, I just found it interesting.

    As for gay YA fiction, have you heard of the Rainbow Boys trilogy by Alex Sanchez? They're not great by any standards, but I found them to be adequate summer reading.

  2. Well, La Holm was being sorta bossy that day at the DramaLeague event in NYC, so I can see her being something of a pill. Anne Meara clearly gave not a shit that La Holm intervened on her behalf. La Holm also seemed to her enjoy her gays, as she completely ignored the young woman I was working with that day, giving me all her attention.

    And I've not hit the Rainbow Boys yet, though I've got a request in for the first one. (They seem a little like teengirl lit, which I don't especially like, just with gayboys instead.) We'll see...

  3. Not a gay novel by any means, but I insist you read "Out of the Dust". Like, right away. You could read it in two days.
