
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: TAKE A BOW...
...and accept my humble gratitude for your incredible support of The Class of 2007 - Supporting Actress Blogathon. Not only did your contributions and attention bring the most traffic to lil StinkyLulu of any two days ever, but the broad range of entries and general goodwill spent all around reminded me why I love the event so. (Thanks, too, to the folks at GreenCine Daily and The Screengrab for the kind notice.) But most importantly, your work as contributors and commentators buoyed my spirits just when I began to worry that American cinema had succumbed to a generalized case of testosterone poisoning. (Attentive readers might have notice my absence from the list of contributors.) The times, they may be tough, but y'all helped to remind me that we here at StinkyLulu will continue to fight the good fight in bringing the attention that must be paid to the actresses at the edges. So, keep rummaging through the blogathon's entries -- 'tis a beauteous batch of brilliant missives. And, humbly, I thank YOU for making the 2nd Annual Supporting Actress Blogathon such a gratifying event...

___ Item 2: TAKE A LOOK BACK...
... at the neglected wonders of 1967 as I backpost my profiles for Mildred Natwick and Katharine Ross. Yes, yes, I's tardy but I'm in the process of catching up, I promise..

___ Item 3: TAKE A LOOK AROUND...
...StinkyLulu's environs, especially if you're new to the site. Along that right side bar, you'll find a few "hidden" treasures, like my yearly film logs and StinkyLulu's Home Movies. One of my resolutions for 2008 is to maintain my scribbling discipline by reliably rambling on each and every movie I see. It's a good practice for me and, though the filmlogs don't necessarily occasion an obvious opportunity for feedback or comment, a recent shoutout by a most admired blogfriend (on another beloved's podcast) reminded me that my filmlog ramblings are a good practice. Cuz ya know? I'm old and I totally forgot about my left-field homoriff on Eastern Standard and, were it not for my brief discipline in the late summer of 2007, that not-bad idea would have been gone baby gone. So, I am publicly stating my resolution to keep the 2008 Filmlog and StinkyLulu's Home Movies log updated. (Though, truth be told, I'm also seriously contemplating adding a variety of new features to my Stinky pile -- mini-recaps of this trainwreck, for example -- so, renewed discipline plus new features plus all kinds of realworld writing deadlines might make for quite the adventure.) More will be revealed and thank you for your support and I'm StinkyLulu and I approved this message...

___ Item 4: TAKE A LISTEN...
...to some newish & definitely notable podcasts by StinkyPals. First, if you haven't wallowed in the deepdish pleasures of the recent Radio Allegro epic (featuring ModFab, qta, and Nick Davis), you just haven't put the button on your Cinematic 2007. Likewise, you simply must allot yourself the exuberant thrills of The Film Experience's recently launched podcast (also co-starring the lovely and talented Nick Davis, featuring Joe R as the giddy/irreverant sidekick.) Nathaniel's first guest -- the "was that a breath of fresh air I just felt tipple over me" diva-in-waiting of Marisa Tomei -- didn't seem to love my question about A Different World but her answer was sublime nonetheless. Go her. And, as always, Nathaniel (aka he-who-overachieves-so-well) outdid himself on this premiere episode and I must say I'm dying for the next installment...

___ Item 5: TAKE A SHOWER...
...with Charlotte Rae. You know you've always wanted to. (via Lady Bunny)

___ Item 6: TAKE A BREATHER...
...from all the Presidential hoopdehoo, and the canceled award shows, and the reactivation of briefly dormant cases of academentia, -- and do tell StinkyLulu what you're most looking forward to in Supporting Actressness in 2008. Who's got projects on the horizon? Who's about to be reissued on dvd? Who needs our love? Spill it, dear ones, in comments...

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. Mmm. Supporting Actresses in '08?

    Personally, I'm hoping to see Miranda Richardson for The Young Victoria and Amy Adams for Doubt.

    Otherwise; I'm just watching and waiting.

    It'd also be nice to see Sophia Loren back in the Oscar shortlist, for Nine. But that's about as likely as Cate Blanchett winning Best Actress this year.

  2. Most fun web writing activity I've had since my 1990 Supporting Actress Smackdown Sundays (or SASS) stint.

    Thank you again lulu!

  3. Doubt seems to me like it'll be getting nominations for Amy Adams and Viola Davis.
