
Supporting Actress Blogathon - The Class of 2007

As a paranthetical aside, embedded in her recent NYT review of There Will Be Blood, Manohla Dargis offered this quip: "Like most of the finest American directors working now, [Paul Thomas] Anderson makes little on-screen time for women." It's a sorry state of affairs, really. And yet, here at StinkyLulu, we've got an annual tradition to address it, wherein we extoll just how much the greater actresses of 2007 have made from the little on-screen time allotted them.

It's StinkyLulu's Tribute to
Actressing at the Edges in 2007 -

The Supporting Actress Blogathon!
Scroll down for appreciations of all kinds of actressing.
31 performances honored in 37 posts from 29

click back throughout the day for updates as entries arrive
...the Supporting Actresses
of 2007 are...

(click blog name for link to post)

Juliette Binoche in Paris, Je T'aime (Joe's Movie Corner)
Geraldine Chaplin in El Orfanato [The Orphanage]
(Cine Latino en Nueva York)

Joan Chen in Lust, Caution (boy on film, He Thinks He's a God)
Marie-Josée Croze in The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
(Modern Fabulousity)

Jennifer Garner in Juno (goatdog, The Cellar Door, boy on film)
Kelli Garner in Lars and the Real Girl (Silly Hats Only)
Allison Janney
in Hairspray and Juno (Strange Culture)
Bodil Jørgensen in Hjemve [Just Like Home] (He Thinks He's a God)
Jennifer Jason Leigh in Margot at the Wedding (Joey's Film Blog)
Kelly Macdonald in No Country for Old Men (The Inciting Incident)
Leslie Mann in Knocked Up (The Sickness' Cinema)
Margo Martindale in Paris, Je T'aime (Queering the Apparatus,
six things)

Eva Mendes in We Own the Night (Ultimate Addict)
Emily Mortimer in Lars and the Real Girl (Through a Blog Darkly)
Samantha Morton in The Golden Age (boy on film)
Michelle Pfeiffer in Hairspray (Adrift in New York)
Imogen Poots in 28 Weeks Later (The Rural Juror)
Vanessa Redgrave in Atonement (boy on film)
Saoirse Ronan in Atonement (All about My Movies)
Marge Simpson/Julie Kavner in The Simpsons Movie
(Nick's Flick Picks)

Imelda Staunton
in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(boy on film
Kristen Stewart
in Into the Wild (And Your Little Blog, Too)
Tilda Swinton
in Michael Clayton (Criticlasm,
My New Plaid Pants, boy on film)
in The Namesake (when i look deep in your eyes)
Kristen Thomson
in Away from Her (as little as possible,
Victim of the Time)
Ashley Tisdale in High School Musical 2 (Rants of a Diva)
Marisa Tomei in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
(The Film Experience, boy on film)

Sigourney Weaver in The TV Set (He Thinks He's a God)
The Women of Hairspray and Death Proof (Stale Popcorn)

See also...


  1. Hey Stinky, my post id up... sorry I am late. What a great collection this year!

  2. Death Proof is two words.

    Sorry I couldn't pick just ONE! I'm a libran, I'm undecisive like that.

  3. qta: no problem. I hope the posts just keep rolling in...

  4. My post on Emily Mortimer is up at:


    and I too am sorry its a bit late. Cheers for supporting actresses!

  5. Another great blogathon success!

    It's interesting that no one has decided to tackle Tilda Swinton, though. I thought she was the undisputed favourite among the blogosphere. Oh well, maybe everyone just assumed that other people would be doing her.

  6. Yeah - it's interesting - no Tilda, no Amy Ryan, and no Cate Blanchett... (And the surge for Garner is making me think she's rising as a contender for the fifth oscar slot this year.)

    But I'll be accepting posts as long as they keep coming, so perhaps the remaining gaps might yet be filled.

  7. What a great idea for a blog-a-thon! Watching Sigourney Weaver in "the TV Set" was like gazing into the heavens.

  8. Here's mine on Jennifer Jason Leigh in Margot at the Wedding:


  9. I just finished mine!

    And people, there is still a lot of the day left!

  10. Kelly Macdonald for me:
    Thanks for the hard work.

  11. i'm surprised at all the garner love, i was going to write on her too until i saw the other love for her...so i pulled a back up plan in allison janney.

    I was so glad people wrote on Kristen Thomas too, because i had forgotten what a wonderful performance she had.

    Where Rudy Dee? Tilda? Blanchett? Ryan?

    I thought this academy race was wrapped up, except the short-list is missing!

  12. And by all means, feel free to write as many posts as you can muster!

  13. Two people doing Joan Chen and nobody doing Tilda Swinton? What's the world coming to! Time to rectify that!

  14. I am aware of at least one Swinton profile that's currently brewing.

    Blanchett and Ryan, on the other hand...

  15. here's mine it's late but it's even got a podcast to go with it ;)

  16. Now wait a moment. I figured that many people would do Blanchett, which is why I decided against it. (Indeed, last year someone reprimanded me for selecting Rinko Kikuchi when she was a shoo-in.) Still, I am surprised no one's writing about her. Hers was an extremely strong, fierce performance.

  17. so...yeah, really late. But here it is: http://theruraljuror.blogspot.com/2008/01/woops.html

  18. I think when doing activities of this nature, we sometimes go with the mindset to pick the most obscure performance we can find. Only reason I can think that Cate and Amy have been left out until later.

  19. The other thought I have about this is that, while admirable, some performances don't inspire the kind of animated devotion necessary to write a post. Folks saw the absence of Tilda and sprang to; Cate's and Amy's absence haven't inspired similar action. Whether it means anything, I don't know, but it's interesting nonetheless.

    But there's still time. I'll continue to add posts as they come in...

  20. Romala is in!!

    Wow still no Cate or Amy...

    Nice work guys!!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I have a cynical take to my own comment though: we look for the most obscure performance to impress people that "oh, see, I'm finding something special/important about this one that you probably can't so let me educate/enlighten you."

  23. tackling amy or cate would be a lot at this point. if somebody had done them originally, and others had followed, then very well. but now, with none posted, if we blogged on either woman, the bar is set pretty high. i think it speaks volumes about those two that nobody actually wrote about them. it probably seemed too cliche for most, or their performances spoke for themselves, or we feared not providing the proper appraisal for their brilliance. i am more surprised that nobody stepped up for amy as they did for tilda, seeing as cate is a machine in this industry.
    at any rate,
    i still stick with macdonald. :)

  24. I might do Cate and Amy if nobody else does them in a few hours. I'm holding them hostage, y'all! Make a post or I'll have to churn out two more crap ones. >_>

  25. Don't do it! This is us telling the other critics group who have only been awarding Amy and Cate that there are other movies with supporting actress performances worthy of their attention and we're freaking mad and not gonna take it anymore!


  26. This is just as great as last year; a wide variety of performances that negate the idea of an awards "shortlist", as has been pointed out. I loved reading about performances that I hadn't heard of, or of performances from films that were on the radar but that I wasn't aware carried such emotional weight (i.e. Knocked Up).

    While only speaking for myself, I don't think you can go into a movie expecting the Blogathon Performance, but that it comes to you; the one I did last year was from a film that had been released in February.

  27. Hey there. Sorry it's late, but I've got a contribution on my blog. In fact, my selection for the blogathon was taken from the same film as another contributor's- but a different actress, of course. Anyway, hope you can use it.

    Fun blog-a-thon, by the way.

  28. I loved Romola, but mine was actually about Imogen Poots

  29. Anonymous2:12 PM

    My post from last month re the overlooked T.J. Carpio (Across the Universe is at


    Among those you DID include, my vote for best performer in a supporting female role would go to Kelly MacDonald.

  30. FYI- I'm running a piece on the blogathon over at The Screengrab tomorrow. Just a heads up.

  31. Good grief, Charlie Brown - where to begin reading!

  32. It's actually 28 Weeks Later but...same difference

    The more I think about Kelly McDonald, the more I loved her. That last scene was amazing.
