
To Dos Day

...with Nathaniel's diverting contemplation of Back To School movies at Zoom-In...

___ Item 2: BOOKMARK...
...the genius of FABULON immediately. Hours of entertainment. Daily. If you've any doubts, just consider the adventures of Tab and Roddy...

___ Item 3: PREPARE...
...for the annual observance at the altar of Sophia. Offerings not refused. Hee...

___ Item 4: READY YOUR POST...___ Item 5: CHECK OUT...
..ModFab's new look. Tres elegante...

___ Item 6: TELL US...
...how frequently you NEED to hit the movies? Here on StinkyLulu, we often talk muchly about actressing but... Verging Writer's recent despair & (of all things) an idiotic Andy Rooney rant have gotten Lu to thinking about "movie-going frequency." So, lovely reader, how often do you need to go to the movie 'afore you start going a little bonkers? This time of year, 'tis especially tough for StinkyLulu to maintain the preferred 1-2 cinema screenings per week ratio. (Remember, we're not talking home viewing, but actually hitting the googaplex.) And 'tis strange -- StinkyLu actually starts gettin' a little bit evil if it passes the two week mark. Which makes me wonder -- is cinema-going a form of meditation, of prayer, of healing? Whaddaya think, lovely reader?

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I go at least once a week, and watch between 3-15 movies at home during a week.

  3. Weeellll . . . about the "going to" requirement. Can I use Dr. Lulu's prescription for a "home view"? Not ideal, I know, but - ALAS! - necessary in my world today. Forgive me Dr. Lulu!

  4. When homeviewing, I can watch as much as 16 movies in two days.

    As for going to the cinema and regarding "meditation, prayer and healing," I watched "Paris Je'taime" as it was one of the movies included in the recently concluded Cinemanila Film Festival held here.

    I watched "Paris Je'taime" five times, bringing different people along each time (once admittedly by my lonseome) as it really was just an experience.

    Being a Creative Writing major, the brevity got to me among other aspects. It just made me very happy and debunked the "desensitization" accusation I was getting (having seen over 600+ movies in the last three years). :)

    Oh and on that note, I'll be holding a "Paris Je'taime" Blog-a-thon in a few weeks. Details and pre-amble to be released in the new few days (doing screen shots are wacky).

  5. JS--I loved that movie, too. And I think blogging on that is a fabulous idea.

    I go back and forth. I was a huge repeat viewer as a kid, and now can see two movies at the theatre in one day with no problem. I don't watch as much at home, as I really love going to the movies and being immersed, but for financial reasons I'm getting better. I haven't seen a movie at the theatre in two weeks, so I'm looking forward to this weekend to actually see one. Art film has gotten to the point if you miss it in the first week, you're doomed to see it on video.

    But yes--a great therapy.

  6. I totally get Paucity of Movies Syndrome [PMS], too, after two weeks without a theater visit. In my best weeks, I go three times per week, though it's often more than that during the holidays, and I prefer mixing revival-house and campus-cinema visits with current releases. But there's usually so much to see in outside venues that I rarely watch more than a movie a week at home (except for Smackdowns, or putting on old favorites while I clean or balance my checkbook).

  7. Since January 22 of this year, I've seen 222 features and 72 shorts. One of those features was five hours long. That's something I wouldn't be able to do in a theater simply because my bladder's not big enough.

  8. i'm happiest with two a week at theaters (though I often double up so that makes 4 ;)

    but in reality it's more often 1 a week in some seasons and 3 a week in others. but I blame distribution models for that.

    i get antsy if it's been 2 weeks and evil (as you so articulated state) after 3 or 4... which does happen. But let's not talk about that.
