
Supporting Actress Sundays for September '07: 1990

The results are in, thus determining the roster for September's Supporting Actress Sundays. The voting was, once again, decisive; more than 46% of the 180something votes were cast for this month's winner, mandating that StinkyLulu and The Smackdowners will take on...

Supporting Actresses Smackdown for 1990:
Sunday, September 30.
Featuring an excellent Smackdown panel, including
CINEBEATS, Nick, Adam Waldowski, JS, John T, & Newland.
Hostessed of course by yours truly, StinkyLulu.

In but a few moments, The Stinkys will depart for a much-needed, long weekend retreat waaaaaaay up in the mountains (and, thus, way far away from the internets). As a result, StinkyLu will be unable to post the first 1990 profile until next Wednesday (at the earliest) or the following Sunday (at the latest). Apologies for any/all inconvenience...


  1. I rewatched Goodfellas on Wednesday. 1990 should be a fun year.

  2. YAY....Will order these on my LoveFilm so I can play along!

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I really would like to see the Smackdown do supporting actresses from the 30's, 40's or 50's once in awhile. It has meen months wince you did 1950.
    I do enjoy this site. I am a retired teacher and I really admire the quality of the writing.
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Great, there'll be lots of comments for this smackdown. :)

    I only have to see Wild at Heart and Dances with Wolves now.

  5. Hope you are having a great weekend away!

  6. This is going to get ugly!

    I see lots of hate mail coming my way in the future...

  7. Yes! Another Supporting Actress Smackdown! And the panel is fabulous.

  8. I haven't seen McDonnell, but the other four are all so deserving. I'd put my weight behind Ladd though for, if nothing else, the fact that she was willing to smother her face is bright red lippy. Can't wait to hear how this one plays out.

  9. I just think "oops--we're sorry about the Color Purple. Our bad....", especially considering Bracco and Bening, but it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out.

  10. Annette should've won!

  11. Just watched Dances with Wolves last night and MY GOD that was not.......

    Done watching the 1990 performances. Just waiting for lulu's write-ups now to bring up some facets that I may have missed. :)

  12. i can't do this one because you really don't wanna see me revert to an gibbering mess typing ANNETTE BENING over and over again in bigger and boldier font.

    The Bening RULES 1990.
    that is all.

    (ok one more thing: UMA THURMAN Henry & June shoulda been nominated and she's better than almost all of these nominees)

  13. I am already planning a vigorous and unqualified defense of The Whoopster. This might be the highlight of my month.
