
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: PUMP your adrenaline...
...with The Action Heroine Blogathon, beginning today over at The Film Experience. Post your own contribution, too, if you're so inclined... StinkyLulu (digits crossed) may well get something in as well.

___ Item 2: REFLECT on the wisdom...
...of writing gift inscriptions in books -- thanks to StinkyLulu's newest discovery: The Book Inscriptions Project. (Via Andrew Sullivan -- methinks.)

___ Item 3: MEET Miss New Mexico 2007...
...Jenny Marlowe, who just happens also to be (1) one of StinkyLulu's former students, (2) a very talented musical comedy performer, (3) a quickly emerging recording artist [check out her tracks: streamdownload] and (4) an all around nifty young woman. MrStinky & Lulu were in the auditorium at the Miss New Mexico Pageant when Jenny was crowned. (We were also there to support 4th Runner Up (aka "She Was Robbed!") Missy Auge.) All told, 'twas a truly astonishing spectacle, lemme tell ya. (For a startlingly accurate portrait, just rent Smile and you'll get the picture; no fibs.) And the talent competition. Boy howdy. First Runner Up Miss Las Cruces did a hip hop belly dance. I do not kid. The whole fandango was just a wowza. And, truly, StinkyLulu'd likely be booking tickets for the Miss America Pageant right now...if they had any idea when or where or if it'd be happening.

___ Item 4: JUST SAY NO...
...to the current administration's characteristically idiotic nomination for Surgeon General with this easy-as-pie email template from HRC. (Via, in part, Joe.My.God.)

___ Item 5: TAKE a gander...
...at the single image that drives more traffic to StinkyLulu than anything else. Truly, on a typical day, 30-40% of that day's traffic is routed to little Lulu because of this image (original post). Power to the Sophia Sisterhood!!!

___ Item 6: CLICK back...
...on Wednesday for the second installment of Supporting Actress - 1978, with StinkyLulu's profile of Maureen Stapleton in Interiors. (In the meantime, be sure to check out what StinkyLulu said about LaStapleton's performance 15 months ago, when Miss Maureen's performance was only the SECOND supporting actress profile ever. ) Sorry the schedule for Supporting Actressness has been so wacky of late. But, really, June's just bustin' out all over.
Have at it, lovelies...

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