
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: EXPAND your queer cinematic horizons...
...with TCM's brilliant-but-weird Screened Out series. It's no Gay Pride parade, but rather an assemblage of obscure insinuations, fleeting glimpses, and fairly garish stock characters. But in TCM's way -- the roster's got all kinds of films, many of which are totally elusive, and at least one of which StinkyLulu has been trying (unsuccessfully) to screen for nearly 20 years. StinkyLulu has no idea whether regular gay folks'll groove on the series but film geeks with an inclination to homo heritage (Example A & B) clearly share in Lu's twitterpation. StinkyLulu's especially giddy for the prison night next Monday (I'm even considering "live blogging" the whole marathon). But check out the list of films: there's at least one you NEED to see...

___ Item 2: SHIELD your eyes...
...from what is simultaneously one of the freakiest, sexiest and smartest images of the year: Eli Roth & His Monster Wang. Totally NSFW. (h/t My New Plaid Pants.)

___ Item 3: GENUFLECT...
...with gratitude for the mere existence of Keith Olbermann. His most recent update of the "Nexus of Politics & Terror" timeline is absolute must-viewing. Whatever of one thinks of Olbermann's style/substance ratio, his show's the only non-fake-news-show doing this kind of critical reflection. (See also Brilliant at Breakfast.)

___ Item 4: READY your post...
...for The Film Experience's Action Heroine Blogathon which is just one week away. (StinkyLulu's planning to participate but still awaits inspiration. Any suggestions, lovely reader?)

___ Item 5: GET ready...
...for the Gayest Night Of The Year: The Tony Awards!!! And as always, rely on the expert coverage over at Modern Fabulousity for all the inside poop. StinkyLulu doesn't have big plans...MrStinky tends to run for cover on Tony night...but ooh oooh oooooh: The Tonys!!!!

___ Item 6: CHECK back...
...on Wednesday for the first installment of Supporting Actress - 1978, with StinkyLulu's profile of 1978's trophy snagger, Maggie Smith in California Suite. (In the meantime, be sure to check out Nathaniel's nifty meditation on Maggie in Miss Jean Brodie.) And a programming note: June's month of Sundays is sorta attenuated and, especially with the schedule squish of this week, StinkyLu'll likely be relying on Wednesdays to complete the regular nominee profiles (which is sad because 1978 has a pile of neat "Overlooked" options)... But 1978's Supporting Actressness begins in earnest on Wednesday, so tune your browsers...

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. I always find TCM's series like "Screened Out" to be fascinating (I really enjoyed the African Americans in Film one last year with that interesting film historian). Did you see "The Monster" on Monday? I would like to hear your opinion about it if you did, because I really didn't find Johnny Arthur's character to be a homosexual like they said.

  2. I haven't seen The Monster but I did snag it to watch it later. I was quite curious about it...now, even more so, with your questions...

    The thing that strikes me is that Donald Bogle (the scholar who co-hosted TCM's African American series last winter) has been for more than 30 years THE main scholar of African American presence in mainstream film. Of the same generation, Vito Russo did similar pioneering work (just like another TCM presence Molly Haskell). Russo's death meant that we never got a fully revised Celluloid Closet -- Bogle's main book has undergone about 8 revisions -- AND there's been no one really to take over for pre-Stonewall film, until I guess Richard Barrios.

    But I'm still not sure about Barrios's analytic or curatorial style. (I've been watching a lot of the front/back interstitials he's doing with Osborne.) He seems really interested in the fleeting glimpses & insinuations (which, admittedly, does draw well from TCM's collection.) But I think I'd really rather have seen someone as broadly and smartly informed as Alonso Duralde or Richard Dyer (or even Boze Hadleigh) to the honors for TCM this month.

    I'll be watching everything on Monday/prison night, so we'll see what I think... And when/if I get to The Monster I'll be sure to holler...
