
Announcing the "Class of 2006 - Supporting Actress Blogathon" - January 7, 2007

The 1st Annual Supporting Actress Blogathon was a smashing success!
Review all the contributions here!!!
And hope to see you next year (January 6, 2008)!


Dear Lovely Reader,
Consider this post your formal invitation to join the festivities of

StinkyLulu's 1st Supporting Actress Blog-a-Thon!

The Class of 2006
Supporting Actress Blogathon
Sunday, January 7, 2007
(the Sunday before the Saturday when Oscar nomination ballots are due)

You are invited to write a post about ONE Supporting Actress performance from 2006 that you love or find especially noteworthy. Plan to focus on one performance/performer/film. No comparison posts please. Nothing, however, should stop you from developing multiple entries for the blogathon. Don't limit yourself only to "contender" performances, either. Commentaries on obscure, ineligible, not-a-chance-in-hell and/or idiosyncratic performances are especially welcome. And all bloggers are welcome, no matter the usual focus of their blog. Hopefully, this blogathon might accomplish a complex, diverse and fully-rounded portrait of the Supporting Actress Class of 2006.

Just email StinkyLulu with your plans to participate as soon as possible. Then, at the crack of dawn on the morning of January 7th, send along the link to your blog entry/ies. StinkyLulu will link to all participating blogs beginning at 10am, Mountain Time. Come on, you know you want to...

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