
This Week in Liveness: A Cross-Country To-Do List

StinkyLulu's most frequently fixated 'pon movies ('specially brilliant actressing at the edges). But (despite not going very often) StinkyLulu does love live theatre/performance. In a sublime, nearly religious way. But not long ago, StinkyLulu whined to MrStinky about wanting to see some really "good" live theatre. (MrStinky's response? "Move.") 'Tis a funny thing, though. Lulu just loves lolling about in the badness of movies and teevee. But when it comes to the theatuh, Lulu's really a quality priss. Basically, it works out like this: For Lulu to enjoy live theatre, it's gotta be truly worthwhile (OR Lulu's gotta just love someone directly involved in the production).

This weekend -- it turns out -- has at least 4 productions going on in 4 different cities that StinkyLu'd truly love to see. Check 'em below & -- if you're in the relevant city -- getcher butt over to the theatre. Sweat for art. 4 shows, 4 cities, listed from West to East... (Now, where'd that magic carpet get to... )

For Los Angelenos...
The Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA, is "hosting" the directorial debut of Lulu's best bud, reddish68. Wooo Hooo. The show itself is a (mostly) 1-person hooha that reddish68 describes as sort of like Tarnation if the main protagonist had been raised by Sybil's mom. Family values go a long way for art. Lulu's read the script. The show's definitely worth seeing.

For those in the ABQ...
A new play, Tincture, is having its regional premiere at SolArts, the most interesting, dynamic and unpredictable venue in the ABQ. This play's director is the partner of one of Lulu's most treasured academented fellow-travelers. That's why they call it "community" theatre.

For those in Chi-town...

The indelible, incomparable Karen Finley 'tis presenting a version of her most recent work, The Dreams of Laura Bush/The Passion of Terri Schiavo. Lulu'll be attending this one, as part of a fugue of conference-induced academentia. StinkyLulu's seen Finley a few times over the years, and her work is reliably extraordinary. This performance promises to be among the highlights of the trip. (The true highlight of this Chicago trip 'twill certainly be meeting Nick & Blog Widow....)

For those in NYC...
The by-all-accounts brilliant revival of Sweeney Todd -- one of the theatrical experiences that Lulu's longed for since it opened months ago -- is closing soon. Alas. The perils of the provinces. But Lulu's fave theatre-disher ModFab provides linkage to some bootlegging that shows us all some of what's missed by not catching this production.

So get yer butt to the art this weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you come out to LA, you can see the Sweeney at the Ahmanson with La Patti herself. I'm just sayin'....
