
Programming Note: 1962's The Manchurian Candidate on TCM Tonight...

Just a quick programming note for US readers:

As part of its day-long tribute to La Lansbury, TCM will be screening 1962's The Manchurian Candidate tonight. Angela Lansbury's nominated performance in this film stands among the most iconic in the category's history & often comes to mind when StinkyLulu contemplates just what qualifies a great performance as a SUPPORTING Actress performance (proportionate screen time, essential narrative significance, full character realization, etcetera).

Then, if you wish, compare Lansbury's proportion/purpose/power ratio to that of little Mary Badham in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Conveniently, Mockingbird's also on this week's TCM schedule...
(Watch both & you'll be almost halfway through the Smackdown roster for August...)

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