
Today In Cinema - 2:17:10

If you recognize the film, say so in comments. (And, if you are so inclined,
share your favorite thing -- moment/memory/response/etcetera -- about the film.)


  1. Inglourious Basterds, of course. I find myself strangely distanced from Christoph Waltz's performance. Not so much that I'm angry he'll win the Oscar, and I certainly don't think it's a "meh" performance, but I wish I loved it as much as others. For me, it's all about Diane Kruger. She nails the MOVIE STAR of Von Hammersmarck impreccably.

  2. Walter, I feel as you do, I think. My favorite performance in the film is Michael Fassbender's. He just seems to get the role in a way that is completely effortless. And he channels Errol Flynn fabulously.
