
Today In Cinema - 1:13:10

This post introduces an ir/regular new photoseries - TODAY IN CINEMA - which features a screenshot captured at a moment in a favorite film's running time that numerically corresponds to today's date.

If you recognize the film, say so in comments. (And, if you are so inclined,
share your favorite thing -- moment/memory/response/etcetera -- about the film.)


  1. can't say as I recognize it per se, but it reminds me of the kitchen scene in The Hours, w/ Toni Colette? The cinematic/cunningham take on the "match burning in a crocus" bit -- the hottest/most evocative line in lesbian lit.

  2. nancy allen in carrie? if so, i do love the sound of piper laurie's knifed hand as sissy spacek's pops it out of the doorframe.

  3. @Betsy: I love that this image evoked that scene for you. It's not an especially lesbian moment, though now that you mention it...

    @BDB: You got it. I too love the movie for those tiny details.

  4. Brian, I remember you writing that Sissy Spacek's performance in Carrie might just be your favorite female performance ever! :)

    when I think of Carrie, I think of my first Smackdown, which was 1976 :D and Piper Laurie won. by general consensus.

  5. @Alex: Indeed. I don't know that I have a more favorite performance.

  6. Memory of watching this movie: Realizing - watching it for the first time after you telling me it might be your favorite movie of all time - that Stinky knows his shit, movie-wise.
