
Programming Note: SAS Profile Routine

Lovely reader. Due to a variety of factors (mostly an important looming deadline, but also the pressures of other competing writing obligations and the fact that today's my birthday), I have elected NOT to push to publish today's profile. This decision has impelled several other similar decisions. First, the Smackdown for 1993 will continue next week, even though most of the profiles have not been published. Second, we'll proceed into whatever year is finally selected for October. Third, there will be no Smackdown for November, and I will use that time to catch up on profiles from this and next month. The plan for December remains an open question, as is my overall strategy for 2010. Don't mean to disappoint, but that seems to be the direction things are heading. Thanks for your continued attention/support. xo.StinkyLulu


  1. happy birthday, stinky

  2. Happy Birthday, Brian! :)

    I'm glad the smackdown is still on 26 because I've just made the montage :)

    what do you mean plans for 2010? :/ we still have a lot of years to go :)

  3. Happy Happy birthday. Although I'm not a birthday person so for me it would be sad birhday


  4. Happy Birthday!
    I dig StinkyLuLu.
    Best wishes from Portland.
