
A Lanky Dork to Brighten One's Day... Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory

Joe's recent post at Low Resolution addressing the definition of "adorkable" stirred my devotion to my favorite person living in my television box these days: Jim Parsons.
His singularly brilliant performance as the insufferably nerdy/needy/neurotic Sheldon just makes me happy. Hap hap hap hap hap happy. Happy! And then when I see pictures like this, and realize that he appeared in this play (directed by a college friend of mine no less), I get even haphaphappier. So, I offer this -- my personal definition of "adorkable" -- to share my haphaphappy with you.

Who's your favorite "adorkable"?


  1. The eldest son in that ad about rollover minutes where the mom yells at her kids all the time.

  2. i totally concur.

    have you seen him in Adventureland? I haven't yet...

  3. I don't know what his name is... and I haven't seen Adventureland yet.
