
A TIE?!?!

Oh, dear ones, it seems we have a TIE!

So, dear ones, I turn to you. Should we:
(A) conduct a run-off vote between 1959 and 1983 to determine April's month of supporting actressness?
(B) authorize StinkyLulu to be the tie breaker?
(C) do 1959 in April and hit 1983 in June (with 1992 in between for May)?

Offer your opinage in comments.

(And, Augie, if you and any other rabid Ann Blythians happen to be listening, be sure to tune in this Sunday for the Hostess Cupcake diva's long overdue appearance. As Rebecca Glasscock says, "You can't rush a queen.")


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. all options seem rational to me. I cannot pick one.

    but may I just say: should't we have a less-recent year around? we started with 2000s, and maybe followed by 80s and we'll have 90s for May... Some 50s sound great in between. To keep the spirit of the blog, that is :P

  3. Oh please oh please do 1983 first! It's the year I was born!

  4. Ryan, I don't think it works like that :)

    though I would be happy to do my year, 86. cause it has Hannah and Her Sisters. :)

  5. Option C seems the best

  6. do C (3)
    I voted for 59 as a homage to Shelley winterS!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I vote for idea C.
    Thanks Stinkylu for the thumbs up for Sunday's Ann Blyth column.

  8. (d) allow me to break the tie


  9. C sounds like a neato option!

  10. (C) sounds fine to me. But then, so do the other two.

  11. I'm for C. While I'm so excited that the '80s made a comeback in the poll, going 50s - 90s - 80s would make for great variety.

  12. option c seems fair to me. oh how i wish we had some edited clips from the web to post with their performance. :(


    ok, i have stopped my pouting.

    and very happy 1983 is still in the mix!

    and if you would like earlier decades--let's get our 30's and 40's in this mix again as well. although--i would love to revisit the year angela lansbury was nom'd for the manchurian candidate just to see the film again. :)

    thanks for keeping up the best blog ever n ever!

  13. C - It's the fair choice. And I am eager to see both years; they were my #2 and #3 choices.
