
Monday Morning Meditation: Who's That Girl? (PUZZLE)

Who's That Girl #030909
Click here to be routed to puzzle.
Note your answer AND the time it took you to complete the puzzle in comments.


  1. i figured it out in 2 seconds before clicking on the puzzle. I rule. but i don't wanna spoil it in the comments here... just that you've profiled her before and it's a weird weird nominated performance.

  2. But how long did it take you to complete the puzzle?

    And, yes, I went obvious for the first puzzle. As/if i do more, I'll get more sneaky.

  3. Oh dear. I'm so hopeless at these things. 7 minutes and 37 seconds.

    A great Supporting Actress!

  4. It took me 4:41. I never really liked jigsaw puzzles, but this was fun. Diane Ladd rocks!
