
Commencement - Fame (1980) - The Endings Blogathon

I offer this post as my contribution to The Endings Blogathon instigated by J.D. over at Valley Dreamin'. Be sure to check out the miscellaneous cinematic endings over there as you begin your new year and, while you're here, consider one of StinkyLulu's favorite cinematic endings which -- as it happens -- is also a hauntingly poignant beginning.

click above image to be routed to video of scene

A time of beginning
The time at which something is supposed to begin
The act or process of commencing
A beginning
Set in motion
Take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
Get off the ground
The action of taking the full degree
A start
The great public celebration
An academic exercise
In which diplomas are conferred at the end of the academical year
The act of starting something
Cause to start

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