
20 (Supporting) Actresses Meme

Below please find my contribution to the epic-delightful 20 Actress Meme, instigated by Nathaniel at The Film Experience. My list departs somewhat from the root conventions of the meme, as I have opted to draw my list exclusively from those nominated Supporting Actress performances I have already profiled as part of my Supporting Actress Sunday project. This list doesn't necessarily represent the performances I think to be "best" but, rather, those that are my most favorite -- the 20 nominations in which the actress, the performance and the role combined to dig deeply under my skin. In short, these are the nominated performances that continue to delight, to surprise, and to thrill me months (sometimes years) since I first developed their profile. Indeed, I could (and, very likely, would) watch these performances over and over and over again. As you scroll through my 20, please click the image to read the profile, and, as always, the actresses are arranged to reflect StinkyLulu's ascending level of love...


  1. This is a most excellent post. Truly great and great retrospective.

  2. i do hope that one day you will compile all of these into a best of stinkylulu book.

    i would buy.
