
Congratulations to Manuel Muñoz!

Some time ago, a little birdie told StinkyLulu that Manuel Muñoz was a sometime reader of StinkyLulu's "Supporting Actress Sundays." Such chisme normally doesn't sink into my consciousness much but, in the case of Mister Muñoz, it sorta snuck in on me. See, in the case of Señor Muñoz, StinkyLulu had been hearing buzz about this excellent emerging queer Latino writer named "Manuel Muñoz" and it sorta freaked me out that this cool writer guy was reading my stuff, that he had actually incorporated Supporting Actresses Sundays into his own Sunday writing rituals (or so said the little birdie). It made me all shy and stuff. You know how it goes. Anyways. Fast forward to today, when I got all weirdly HAPPY to learn that the one and the same Manuel Muñoz was just named recipient of one of the best prizes an emerging writer can get: The Whiting.
So, congratulations, alleged StinkyLulu reader Manuel Muñoz.
You rock.

And for the rest of y'all, buy the book!


  1. Holy crapola! What fab news -- and now, yes, we must all go get the book.

  2. he really is gifted -- buy the book.
