
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: CHANGE.
I did. My screening log has now migrated from LiveJournal (which I quite liked for some things) back over to Blogger (which I prefer for selected archiving/indexing purposes). So, if you are at all interested in my unedited ramblings about the films that cross my path, please see/feed/bookmark me at my new site StinkyBits, which I seem very proud of. (The widget at right will link to the new site, though the old page remains up and running.) And, while you're at it, see my sisters in filmlogblogging: The Oscar Completist and The Diva's Film Screenings.

___ Item 2: WATCH.
Nathaniel's got another of his particularly genius concoctions
which he seems very proud of. This one is a brilliant montage of his all-time 100 favorite actresses. Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

___ Item 3: CELEBRATE (Part 1).
That crazy genius behind My New Plaid Pants who has offered his own birthday gift to himself, a gift that might be the start of an annual tradition and one which he seems very proud of. Hippo birdie, JA! (BTW - I plan to steal the concept for myself this year, so be warned.)

___ Item 4: CELEBRATE (Part 2).
The life of the one, the only -- Michael Edward Bowman, Jr. aka "BO". This young man, A wondrous fury of humor and strangeness, Bo was someone I mostly knew through his magical friendship with Reddish68/Criticlasm. Nonetheless, Bo easily colonized a permanent place in my heart as one of the strangest, most fabulous creatures I've ever had the blessing to laugh with. Simply put, Bo possessed an incredible gift for high-concept character comedy (think Lily Tomlin + Kiki + Phyllis Diller) which he could snap into/out of with astonishing speed (fun at parties!). Twas a specialized gift that he seemed very proud of and which, if you believe what the people say, he put to great use in his career as a makeup artist. As I said when learning of Bo's stunningly sudden passing, "I've known a great many crazy gays in my days but I've never known any crazy like Bo's." So, beloveds, toss Bo a tribute and "Taste the beauty!" with your nearest and dearest. Blessings, beautiful man, blessings.

___ Item 5: VOTE.
The voting for August's Supporting Actress Sundays is active in the column at right. (And be sure to vote daily for MrStinky's niece (aka Finalist #1) in that Tommy Hilfiger fashion contest; she's worked hard on some fashion designs which she seems very proud of.)

___ Item 6: OPINE.
Have we seen any likely Supporting Actress nominees this year? I'm not sure I have, at least not in any films that will see a high-profile US release this year (examples A &B). Share your thoughts in comments.

Taste the beauty, lovelies...


  1. I voted for 1969 - Cannon and Burns are excellent.

  2. this post made me laugh. you should be very proud of it. ;)

    i voted for 68 but i see i'm alone in that.

  3. as for supporting actresses this year worth getting excited about...

    so far i've loved

    PATTY CLARKSON -Elegy (everyone is really good in this but her role is the sort you don't see often ~ sexual single older woman who is not painted as evil or hopelessly f***ed up!)
    AUDREY DANA -Roman de Gare (hope you get to see this --fun part)
    SHIRLEY HENDERSON -Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

    but none are likely nominees no.

  4. I liked Rachel McAdams in Married Life, but that's about it.

    Caramel is showing at the film festival here in a few days! I'm excited to see it.

  5. I can't believe 1956 is losing again :(

    I would have went for 56, 59 or 64.

    The real yummy of 69 is Susannah York.

  6. Aagh! Save us from the overratedness of Susannah York!!!

    Seriously, she got the right idea - she even admitted it wasn't her best work and she basically refused the nomination. It's an interesting performance but an incomplete one, and yet so many people cream themselves over it.

  7. Aagh! Save us from the overratedness of Susannah York!!!

    Seriously, she got the right idea - she even admitted it wasn't her best work and she basically refused the nomination. It's an interesting performance but an incomplete one, and yet so many people cream themselves over it.
