
To Dos Day

MyNewPlaidPants' recent/delightful appreciation of the hunka John Gavin is worth your delectation. And, along those lines, you should really know about Square Hippies, a site I've come to quite enjoy over the last few months. It's devoted to the very simple pleasures of shirtless male celebrities.
A (w)hole new meaning (totally nsfw).
MrStinky's niece is a finalist in some Tommy Hilfiger fashion contest that I don't entirely understand. What I do understand is that (a) it's a great prize and (b) she's a great kid and (c) the winner is determined by a popular vote. So, lovely reader, do check out the contestants and, if you are at all inclined, please consider clicking your support for Contestant #1. You can vote once a day, so do vote early and vote often.

Everytime the American Idol humiliations (aka auditions) run on television, I give a private prayer of thanks that the program wasn't around when I was a teen. I can just see myself showing up to give a really sincere but truly awful audition and then tossing just enough drama to capture the editor's eye. I was, shall we say, somewhat intense as a highschooler. And this account of "The High School Tony Awards" brings all that cringe-tasticness to newly hilarious, delirious, delightful life....

___ Item 5: BE PATIENT.
The still-outstanding extra profiles (Manville, Hamilton, Tomlin, Huppert, et al) have created an embarrassing backlog, perhaps the most conspicuous casualties of my big move (into a big house with MrStinky) and my more professional obligations. I haven't forgotten these ladies, but remain uncertain about when/if I'll get to them. As such, I won't be adding to the pile by promising "overlooked" and "born in" profiles for 1949. So - FYI.

___ Item 6: BE CONTRARY.
My reaction to WALL*E -- in which I found myself impressed but unmoved and unsettled (for all sorts of reasons aside from what the filmmakers seemed to intend) -- seems to have established me as something of a naysaying curmudgeonly iconoclast. Am I really all alone in my frustration with the basic conservatism of this often admirable picture? (Then, again, I might be just a freak. I basically liked The Happening, after all.) But I don't try to be a contrarian, and I don't especially enjoy it when it happens. But happen it does. Which makes me wonder: which movies generally acclaimed/reviled films have inspired your most intransigent contrarianism? Which performers/performances? Please do share your thoughts in comments.

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. This isn't true of your opinion of Wall-E, but I think any time that you see a film long after it's been overhyped/overpraised, your opinion won't match the general public. Garden State was supposed to be the definitive movie of my generation; I found it boring. I saw The Wedding Crashers at a dollar theater months after its release, and contrary to what every critic had said, it did not make my sides hurt from laughing (though Isla Fisher should have been arrested for stealing every scene).

  2. I absolutely despise 'Breaking the Waves' with every fiber of my being.

  3. I have never understood the genuine hate people have for Spice World. Sure, it's ridiculous, simplistic and silly, but so is A Hard Day's Night and that's hailed as a classic. And don't throw that garbage about how The Beatles' music is so superior. Have you heard the music in that film? Except for "A Hard Day's Night" and "Can't Buy Me Love" most of the songs are as cheesy as the Spice Girls songs.

    I also think that Garden State is a complete waste of time (except for Natalie Portman's fantastic performance) and that Wedding Crashers is a bit overrated. The 2nd act at Christopher Walken's house has some of the funniest moments of that year, but the 1st and 3rd acts are awkward at best.

  4. Oh, I just remembered another one: the J. Lo-Jane Fonda comedy Monster in Law. Everyone seems to think its trash, but I'd defend it with my life. It's seriously J. Lo's finest performance since Selena and I've never seen Fonda that relaxed or comedically adept.

  5. Monster-in-Law! I remember my dad wanted to see Crash that weekend but we saw that instead. I found it to be enjoyable but forgettable.

  6. Monster-in-Law is, indeed, J-Lo's best performance, and the only one I've seen where she actually looks comfortable on-screen.

    I think 'Arrested Development' is overrated and 'Dexter' is terrible.

    'Leaving Las Vegas' is terrible.

  7. I loved J-Lo in the underrated El Cantante...

    And, someday, whip-smart, you must detail just why you loathe poor Emily Watson so...

  8. we need the poll for August :D

    [oh, and I'm the Romanian dude that's been e-mailing]
