
Supporting Actress Sundays for June '08: 1939

I am very pleased to officially announce the roster and panel for June 2008

Supporting Actress Smackdown for 1939:
Sunday, June 29.
Featuring a kicky Smackdown panel, including
Canadian Ken, Criticlasm, In Which Our Hero, The Oscar Completist,
Rants of a Diva, Sarcasm with a Light Cream Sauce,
and welcoming
Humanizing the Vacuum.

Hostessed of course by yours truly, StinkyLulu.


  1. You're having the Smackdown the day after my birthday!

    I'm gonna try my darndest to watch all these movies (must find Love Affair).

  2. gerladinr fitzgerald should have won best supporting actress of 1939 4 her cumulative work in both dark victory and wuthering heights..she was superb in both!
