
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: WELCOME TO ABQ.
Just another girl, from a small southwestern town, come to the big city in the hopes of being named hostess of the East Central welcome wagon. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you -- the one, the only -- Esscusse M'Byootee. (Be sure to watch until the end so's to catch the gold.)
(via omg blog)
Tonight I take to the boards in my first stage performance in more than a decade, as part of an "Alumni Show" send off for my high school drama director. Amidst a collection of short plays and scenes, I appear in a little Mark Twain montage thing, portraying Noah (of "The Ark" fame) and Tom Sawyer. So, look for me -- the oldest one the cast, the one wearing the overalls. Yikes. One thing I will say for high school drama: it sure makes college theatre look good.

___ Item 3: SAY "VIVA!"
This past Sunday evening, I sat...just stunned, amazed, enthralled, appalled, entranced, enticed, titillated, scintillated, generally perplexed but utterly transfixed. In short, I was all agog as a result of my encounter with the new VH1 experiment in CelebReality, Viva Hollywood! If you haven't caught it yet, you just must. I'm even considering running recaplets here, I'm so fascinated. (The screencaps alone could be reason enough.) But in the meantime, check out the ever hilarious Guanabee's liveblogging commentary. (And if you think I should hit this show with some StinkyLulu, let me know in comments.)

Yes, I'll keep padding "To Dos Day" with this announcement until I have a second to comb through the contributions thus far. So, yes, I'm still contemplating a miniature Supporting Actresses version Nathaniel's 2nd annual Actress Psychic Contest. If you would like to play Supporting Actress prognosticator, please do consider joining up. Nathaniel's even posted his April Fool's predictions for the category to help y'all out. I'll run a real contest if I get 25+ folks (we're barely into double digits now) interested in playing. To indicate your interest, shoot me a quick email and tell me your top 6 picks for Best Supporting Actress 2008, with a bonus/tie-breaker of your most likely Razzie nominee. (For those of you who have already submitted, thanks & look for some followup in the next weeks.)

That's a hint for tomorrow's entry in my new series, which I'm going to call something like "Assorted Random Cinematic Hotness" or "ARCH Moments" or something... The actual name of the series yet alludes me. But the spirit is clear: unanticipated queer pleasures of the masculine spectacular. So be sure to look for tomorrow's entry.

___ Item 6: OVERLOOKED IN 1999?
By a fairly definitive margin, 1999 will absorb The Smackdowners' Supporting Actress attention for May. So that opens my question for you: what performances should be on my radar for "Overlooked in 1999"? Remember, I'm always game for options well off Oscar's radar. Please do share your favorite suggestions in comments.

Have at it, lovelies!


  1. 4 out of my 5 nominees for 1999 Best Supporting Actress didn't make the cut:

    -Kirstie Alley, Drop Dead Gorgeous
    -Helena Bonham Carter, Fight Club
    -Cameron Diaz, Being John Malkovich
    -Julianne Moore, Magnolia

    Is it alright if I'm still bitter that 1998 didn't get picked? It's not that 1999 is bad by any means, but the 1998 lineup was so good and then there are 4 other performances that were just as worthy.

  2. DJH's picks are awesome, at least the first two that I've seen. For some reason I can only lean towards comedy:

    -Christine Baranski, Bowfinger
    -Tori Spelling, Trick
    -Jane Krakowski, Go
    -Allison Janney, Drop Dead Gorgeous
    -Brittany Murphy, Girl, Interrupted

  3. Three nominees, one of which has already been mentioned!

    Helena Bonham-Carter in Fight Club. I'm like, the only person who doesn't like that movie but I love Bonham-Carter in it. A worthy choice.

    Angelina Jolie in Pushing Tin. She might be ineligible, because of her nomination (and win) for Girl, Interrupted. But still worthy!

    Penelope Cruz in All About My Mother; proof that her first good performance wasn't in Volver.

  4. PLEASE don't do Julianne Moore in "Magnolia", that's the cliche choice.

    Brittany Murphy was good in 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', too, but the role was very small.

    I'd say Lesley Manville in "Topsy-Turvy" - her last scene was excellently, brilliantly underplayed - or Melora Walters and/or April Grace in "Magnolia".

  5. my picks for overlooked not necessarily on my ballot but 5 good perfs.

    brittany murphy in girl,interrupted
    mena suvari in american beauty
    diane venora in the insider
    jeanetta arnette in boys don't cry
    gwyneth paltrow in the talented mr ripley

  6. I love whip-smart's suggestions and would add...
    Tina Holmes in Edge of Seventeen
    Cate Blanchett in Ripley or An Ideal Husband
    Jean Smart in Guinevere
    Rachel Griffiths in My Son the Fanatic
    Nora Dunn in Three Kings

  7. Thora Birch was better in American Beauty than Mena Suvari was.

    Judy Greer/Rose MacGowan in Jawbreaker? Jessica Campbell in Election?

  8. I second the Lesley Manville nod.

    Here are other suggestions:
    Sissy Spacek in The Straight Story
    Maggie Smith in Tea with Mussolini
    Miranda Richardson in Sleepy Hollow
    Janeane Garofalo in Mystery Men

  9. AAAH! Drop Dead Gorgeous! Any of 'em:

    Kirstie Alley
    Ellen Barkin
    Allison Janney

    They all rock it in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

    Also, there's Melora Walters in Magnolia, HBC in Fight Club, Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovich, Thora Birch and Mena Suvari in American Beauty, (just for fun) Miranda Richardson in Sleepy Hollow, and Antonia San Juan in Todo Sobre Mi Madre (I mean . . . ummm, yes. We'll say actress)

  10. Hmm... I can't remember the film very well but what about Illeana Douglas/Scarlett J. Pomers in 'Happy, Texas'?

  11. wow--if 99 is all about my mother, then there are too many to pick from.

    And I hear Blanchett is amazing in Pushing Tin as well, so that's three different films for her.

    But what about "born in '99?" Do you think for this one you could do "Died in '99?" That could be juicy.

    Madeline Kahn
    Sylvia Sydney
    Peggy Cass

    I'm sure there are more....

  12. An Alumni HS show?! My my - you are braver than me. Couldn't pay me enough to take to the stage again (& the world of theatre breathes a collective sigh of relief . . . !).
