
Chico's Angels - Wishful Thinking Thursday

Turns out that, once again, my timing's off.
See, I was just in LA this past weekend, getting all academented and such. Seems I should have made the trip next week, so's to catch a glorious whiff of...
I've not yet seen Kay Sedia et al live, but I have quite enjoyed her glory on film (in Taco Chick and Salsa Girl (for which my little write-up was blurbed - oh, the glama!). Perhaps, one day, I shall enjoy a full-body experience of the phenomenon. For now, alas, I must content myself by enjoying the "Mexicamp queerness" from afar via streaming video...
click image to be routed to video
Luckily, I have my set of "Chico's Angel Refrigerator Magnets" -- thanks, criticlasm! -- to keep me warm...

1 comment:

  1. CHICO'S ANGELS 3 is back

    Los Angeles Sept 26- Oct 26
    San Diego Nov 7-9

