
To Dos Day

According to him, Everything You Need to Know about The Oscar Nominees, You Learned in High School. And, ya know, 'tseems he's right.

Toward the end of March, I'll be inaugurating StinkyLulu's new "Born In" feature, in which StinkyLulu's lovely readers will vote to select a non-nominated, supporting actress performance from the last ten years given by an actress born in the year of that month's Supporting Actress Sundays. To begin, we're looking at the actresses born in 1967, the year of our most recent smackdown. The idea with this new feature is to hit a balance between more recent work while maintaining the Supporting Actress Sunday's basic historical inclinations. And if 1967 is any indication, we won't be lacking for compelling, unnominated work. In fact, there were so many great supporting actresses born in 1967 that I ended up listing actresses who have not (yet) been nominated for an Oscar (eliminating Julia Roberts, Emily Watson, Mira Sorvino, and Nicole Kidman in the processs). I'll definitely hit the biggest vote getter and -- time permitting -- the 2nd & 3rd place finishers as well. So, please do vote!

___ Item 3: PROTECT ME.
The Notorious J*O*E* has shown me this glimpse of the future, which caused me seize up all like this, so I must console myself with thoughts of this goodness. (Thanks a lot, Joe. I'm still shaking.)

Nathaniel's got a great panel for this year's WE CAN'T WAIT series, including StinkyPals Modern Fabulousity, Stale Popcorn and JoeR/LowResolution. (I had a great time doing the series last year, though my 2007 picks largely pooped. I guess my efforts -- sniff sniff -- weren't -- whimper whimper -- good enough to return this year. Sigh.) Be sure to follow the routes of their excitement at The Film Experience.

___ Item 5: GET YOUR HEART ON.
Why-I-Love-the-Internet: Example #21408: Candy Hearts Generator.

Some of you know that, despite being a complete tv-junkie, StinkyLulu's not much for scripted television (at least not until the dvd release/reruns). So, now that it looks like Award Season's back on, the main impact of the recent Writer's Strike is that now StinkyLulu's drowning in a sea of reality teevee. Indeed, just as Celebrity Rehab and Project Runway are beginning to wind down, and even as my unrepentant delight in Make Me A Supermodel kicks into fully titillated gear, a whole 'nother set of StinkyLulu's "Realities" are starting up. Between Survivor and American Idol and Big Brother and America's Next Top Model and Top Chef, all these beloved realities are agonna cause StinkyLulu to lose touch with actual reality. So, tell me, lovely readers: what realities are you planning to get lost in? And, since my Celebrity Rehab stuff's gone better than planned, is there a reality that you'd like StinkyLulu to pay extra bloggish attention to?

Have at it, lovelies!


  1. I hear ya about all the reality TV. I never used to watch that much until I got to college and now it's ALL I watch. Between American Idol, Flavor of Love 3, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Big Brother and Make Me a Supermodel (I resisted at first, but I too succumbed to it), I don't know if I'll get any work done this semester!

  2. Laura Dern was nominated for Best Actress for Rambling Rose aka Princess Diana's favorite movie, along with her mother Diane Ladd. First time in Academy history that a mother-daughter pair was nominated in the same year for the same movie. :)

  3. Of course, you're right. And, of course, I knew that. But I 'spose I get a little hopped up where Laura Dern's concerned...

  4. "hopped up?" Please explain. :)

  5. You are amazing.

  6. of course you were appreciated last year. I just have to keep "shaking it up" with different panelists. and you should know you "smackdown" slut!

    i don't love you any less *mwah*

  7. I just had a "meta" reality moment when I was looking at Chris' collection from Runway for fashion week and one of his models is Bianca from ANTM--still sporting the short hair....

  8. fourfour points out that Danielle and Jaslene, in addition to Bianca, walked in the recent Project Runway shows...

    Very very meta.
    Is it wrong that it pleases me so?

  9. oops

    i didnt mean to make you shake so crazily

    i was just trying to show the things we should aspire to NOT be. i certainly haven't figured out what to aspire TO be....

    ps laura dern scares me

  10. Year of the goat, huh? I always knew I was born in the wrong year. Also, I love the new feature.

  11. Thinking Out Loud: After this Born In... batch, may I suggest that the next group would be from whatever year this season's supporting actress Oscar winner was born in? :)

    (I know, I know. If Saoirse won, imagine how old most of us would probably feel.)

  12. Something tells me some vindictive soul is trying to get you to watch Shadowboxer.

    I'm sure you'd enjoy High Fidelity more . . . :)

  13. I'll confess to Top Chef & Iron Chef - though I absolutely HATE TO COOK!

    Go figure.
