
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: VOTE.
Vote. Vote. Vote. And cross your fingers for our collective future...

___ Item 2: CHECK BACK.
This evening will bring a new banner. And it'll be a goodie.

Wednesday morning will bring the terrorizing results of StinkyLulu's Razzie contest. I know who killed ME, and 'twas you, lovely reader, 'twas YOU. And on Wednesday morning, I wreak my revenge...

And please please please flush before you snap. It's a mitzfah for us all.

I do think "heteroflexible" is one of my most favorite new words. I don't think I understand it. But I certainly don't mind observing it.

I'm going to start a new feature in the new year of Supporting Actress Sundays (formally beginning in April) in which I offer a profile of a non-nominated performance (or set of performances) from a Supporting Actress BORN in the same year of that month's featured Supporting Actressness. Basically, if the month of Supporting Actress Sundays is devoted to -- say -- 1967 (as it was in December), I'd look at actressing at the edges from women born in 1967. The idea is to keep the month's focus on the year in question while also bringing some attention to more recent work by currently working actresses (a request that came up repeatedly in StinkyLulu's recent reader survey). So, lovely reader, once or twice during the month of March, I'll be looking at the great supporting actresses born in 1967 and I need your help in identifying nominees. Who are your favorite supporting actresses with that birth year? And don't forget to list the film in which you most appreciated their actressing at the edges. I'll build a poll from the nominations in coming weeks.

Have at it, lovelies.


  1. I did some quick research for names, and learned some great things, especially that Moon Unit Zappa and Mira Sorvino were born on the same day--and so were Kurt Cobain and Cindy Crawford. A list for appetite whetting is:

    Julia Roberts (chance to do Steel Magnolias or Charlie Wilson's War)
    Faith Hill
    Kristen Johnston
    Laura Dern
    Maria Bello
    Nicole Kidman (!)
    Pamela Anderson
    Lisa Bonet

    Also interesting that they are all 40, which seems to be a change for the roles actresses get/are interested in.

    There are some great near misses--Cynthia Nixon, Molly Ringwald, Ashley Judd, Gillian Anderson, Parker Posey among many others born the year before or after. I'm sure there are many more! What a great idea!

  2. That's a very strong list above already! The only other one I found on Wikipedia that jumped out at me was Tia Carrere, who I saw in "Wayne's World" over and over when I was a kid, and who I would later think was the bomb in "True Lies."

  3. Okay.
    You gotta name performances as well.

    I'll build a poll from the 5-6 most interesting/remarkable non-nominated perfs suggested...

    Tia Carrere in Wayne's World, for example.

  4. -Nicole Kidman, The Golden Compass
    -Pamela Anderson, Scary Movie 3
    -Maria Bello, The Cooler or Thank You For Smoking
    -Laura Dern, We Don't Live Here Anymore or Mask
    -Julia Roberts, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind or Everyone Says I Love You

  5. I went to wikipedia too and WOW, so many of my favorite personalities and personal idols from different fields of entertainment were all born in 1967.

    This is a great new treat but is it wise with you having to juggle Sunday Profiles, Overlooked profiles and other sorts of entries regarding our ladies? :)

  6. Thanks, JS, but I'll only be doing one "Born In __" performance per month... (I'll be running a poll toward the beginning of the month allowing me flexibility of when I plug in the extra profile.)

    But (a) everybody seems to want me to do more profiles of currently working actresses; (b) I'd like to do a few more interesting non-nominated performances; and (c) it's an experiment, with the priority remaining the nominated performances for the month of Supporting Actress Sundays...

    So, adding the "Born In" feature seemed a way to do all of that. And we'll see how it works...

    (A number of folks also seem to want me give some attention to the boys, but I'm just not called to do so. I may keep experimenting with Supporting Actor beefcake, but I'm not sure...)

  7. I love the new banner.

    i also love the idea of the born in feature. too bad you don't have all the time in the world, cuz that feature would be really cool if it was more than one person. like at least a trio ;)

  8. my votes...

    Laura Dern in "Year of the Dog"
    Miranda Otto in "Human Nature"
    Macy Gray in "Shadowboxer"
    Maria Bello in "A History of Violence"
    Nicole Kidman in "Flirting"
    Carrie Ann Moss in "The Matrix"

  9. My votes...

    Julia Roberts in Charlie Wilson's War

    Laura Dern in Year of the Dog

    And my early, excited post was honestly just about all the possible people, so sorry for starting the wrong trend.

  10. Jeez, Nathaniel already beat me to it. I was going to nominate Bello in History (which is my personal top choice), Moss in either Martix (or Memento), and Kidman in Flirting. Damn, that boy can just read my mind...

  11. Only unnominated actresses? Okay.

    Liz Phair was born in 1967! OMFG, she's amazing (Exile in Guyville, GirlySound... omg). But she ain't an actress, so moving on...

    Also, the orgasmic Anderson Cooper, but now for the actresses:

    Maria Bello in "The Cooler" and "A History of Violence" are the obvious choices.

    Nicole Kidman hasn't a very wide breadth of supporting roles... maybe "The Golden Compass", "Flirting", or "Billy Bathgate" but that's about it. A Kidman profile would be predictable and boring, IMHO. Anyone more interesting...?

    Carrie-Anne Moss, in "Memento". She totally should've been nominated in 2001 and probably should've won. She was the best thing about "Memento", and that was definitely a performance that deserved to be recognized.

    Other ones?
    Julia Roberts - "Charlie Wilson's War" - boring.
    Miranda Otto - "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
    Laura Dern - "Blue Velvet", "Mask", "We Don't Live Here Anymore"

    Definitely, definitely do Carrie-Anne Moss in "Memento" - please!!!

    If only Parker Posey was born in 1967!!! We need to do a Parker Posey theme month.

  12. Please don't do Maria Bello! Ugh.

    Anyway, let me be the first to suggest Lisa Bonet in High Fidelity
