
Supporting Actress Sundays - Hiatus Edition

No, there is no "Supporting Actress Sunday" post today. But, no, that's not because StinkyLulu's joined the WGA strike. Nor is it because StinkyLulu's lost in a pit of roiling despair because of the cancellation of the Golden Globes tonight. Nor it because my Globe newscast predictions have preempted our regular programming. (And don't hold your breath for predictions. Oh no, my powers of prognostication are beyond pathetic...I became a historian for a reason, yo.)

No no no. There is no "Supporting Actress Sunday" post today because, during Awards Season (or the months of January, February and March), "Supporting Actress Sunday" goes on a partial hiatus. For those of you who are more archivally inclined, historical profiles will kick up again in April, with a newly revamped structure for selecting each month's year of focus.

But fear not, posting on StinkyLulu will continue during the Supporting Actress Sunday semi-hiatus, with some Supporting Actressness inevitably sneaking in. For those of you more invested in all things contemporary, I'll start profiling each of the 2007 nominees on the Sunday after the big nominations are announced (pending the theatrical and/or dvd availability of the nominated films). The sequence of 2007 Sunday profiles will culminate with a 2007 Supporting Actress Smackdown on the morning of the big broadcast on February 24. (Keep your fingers crossed, kids.) So, if you wanna hop in for the 2007 Smackdown, holler with a quick email including your blog address...

But for today, I'd like to highlight for your possible perusal two Supporting Actress profiles for 1967 that did not receive their deserved emphasis...

click image to be routed to original post
And if you've got still more Supporting Actressness in you, I direct your attention to the wealth of thrilling posts from last week's Supporting Actress Blogathon...
Yours in Supporting Actressness,

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