
Cast Your Vote for which RAZZIE NOMINEE should receive StinkyLulu's "Supporting Actress" treatment?

On this "Nomination Eve", I confess to being a touch weary with all the prognosticating. (The Film Experience has a full listing of all this predictionizing here.) Not being much blessed in the prediction department, I always feel a little out of the loop even as I marvel at the intelligence, the wit and the clarity of many of those lists. Ultimately, though, with each set of predictions, I get a wee tiny bit crankier. Just gimme my nominees!!! Which is precisely just what those odd folks over at The Razzies DO on "Nomination Eve": they announce their nominees for the year's WORST performance.

And The Razzie nominees for
2007's WORST Supporting Actress are:
Jessica Biel in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
Quite the roster, eh.
And because I'm so devoted to the especial cause of actressing at the edges, I am going to throw myself on the sword here and promise to give StinkyLulu's Supporting Actress treatment to at least ONE of the 2007 Razzie Nominees. So cast your vote in the column at right and tell StinkyLulu which performance you think most deserves this extra bit of attention. (I've not seen any of the movies, so I'm surely in for a treat!)


  1. Hee hee, mean professor that I am, I made by film criticism class watch Next. I promise to direct that class to your blog if you write about it. *grin*

  2. I Know Who Killed Me . . . I'm feeling sadistic

  3. i wouldn't wish NEXT on anyone. But i would wish I KNOW WHO KILLED ME on you. i can think of nobody else but you that I KNOW WHO SHOULD BLOG IT
