
Golden Globes - Best Supporting Actress Nominations

The Golden Globes's Supporting Actresses have been named...
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click here for full listing of Globe nominations

The 2007 Golden Globes
Supporting Actress nominees are:

Cate Blanchett - I’m Not There
Saoirse Ronan - Atonement
Julia Roberts -
Charlie Wilson’s War
Amy Ryan -
Gone Baby Gone
Tilda Swinton - Michael Clayton

Your thoughts, lovely reader?


  1. Haha, I love that Tilda Swinton is the best thing about Michael Clayton and all she does is sweat and be taller than George Clooney.

    I'm so tired of little girls getting nominated for awards intended for grown-ups. Redgrave must be pissed.

    Ryan and Blanchett are set for Oscar nominations that won't be jokes.

    And Roberts, of course, is here to remind us all that HFPA are the biggest starfuckers in the universe.

  2. Yeah, the Roberts nom is just... I love her always but I hate her right now for the fact that I have to see a movie with Tom Hanks and another movie with PSH (rapidly becoming one of my least favorite actors).

  3. Tilda does more more than sweat. Harumph.

    And look at you, Mr. "I picked all the noms"! :)

    Very exciting.

  4. Even though I haven't seen Charlie Wilson's War, I have a feeling that Roberts is one of those out-of-left-field nominations that won't pick up any traction. Like Cameron Diaz for Gangs of New York in '02. Or at least that's what I"m hoping.

    On the whole, this looks like it could be the Oscar shortlist; but I might sub out Roberts for Redgrave.

    I can't help but feel that many people have had their Oscar chances cut off at the legs right here, though.

  5. When I built the blogathon poster, I put the four women I thought stood the best chances of noms, based on buzz. Had I made the poster a week or two later I might have replaced Jennifer Jason Leigh with Amy Ryan...

    I suspect the only thing the Globe noms really tell us is that folks like JJL and Ruby Dee are probably out of the mix. I think that slot will go to a coaster (a supporting actress who happens to be in whatever film the Academy nominators get all hopped about) -- possibly Jennifer Garner or Kelly MacDonald or Catherine Keener.

  6. Wow, I haven't seen ANYTHING this year ...

    ...But the Globes love to nominate big stars whenever they can, which not only explains Roberts appearing here, but gives more fuel to the more unknown names, such as Ryan, Ronan, and--to a degree--Swinton. Last year, the Best Supporting Actor category had five A-listers, and only two of them ended up with matching Oscar noms.

  7. Oooh I'd love to participate in this blogothon. The Globe nominations are interesting...

    I get the feeling that the Oscars will throw some love Rube Dee's way
