
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: GET READY...
...for this Sunday's Supporting Actress Smackdown, in which Criticlasm, goatdog, NICK, myself, Adam Waldowski, and perhaps one or two others will contemplate the actresses at the edges of 1955. It's a doozy, so be sure to click back on Sunday! (And I'll be posting profiles throughout the weekend, too.)

___ Item 2: ADD A NAME...
...to the incredible online memorial event, AIDS Watch, to be held globally on World AIDS Day, December 1st. (And while you're at it, give a moment's pause today as a part of the 9th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.) The act of remembrance is both an honor and a blessing... (via AmericaBlog and QTA, respectively)

___ Item 3: START...
...your Xmas shopping with this extraordinarily appropriate gift for -- ahem -- you know who...

___ Item 4: REVEL...
...in the exultant queerness of The Queer Film Blogathon instigated by QTA: Queering The Apparatus. No end of perversion - yum. I especially enjoyed My New Plaid Pants' brilliant Ode to Angela, Fin de Cinema's elegiac mediation, and Edward Copeland's breakdown of Oscar's Rules for Gay Characters..

___ Item 5: TEST...
...your vocabulary and contribute to a good cause at FreeRice.com. For every vocabulary word you define correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated through the United Nations to end world hunger. Perfect for SAT-preppers and compulsive wordfiends like myself. (T'ain't no easy task, neither. So far, my correct answers have donated 700 grains, but am obsessed with breaking beyond vocabulary 47. I get so close and then futz it up and get booted back to level 45. Don't let me ever tell you I'm not completely competitive.) But on this Turkey Week, share the words, share the rice, share the love... (via Snopes.com

___ Item 6: GIVE THANKS...
...for all the blessings in your circle, dear ones. And to you, I offer great thanks. StinkyLulu has anchored my heart, my imagination, my creativity, my joy in so many days -- I am grateful to you, lovely reader, for allowing me to hold the space open -- for Supporting Actressness, Homo Heritage, whatevah. But the greatest blessing of all, truth be told, has come in the unexpected thrill of finding so many fellow travelers through the strange idiocies of popular culture and the ever-changing terrain of actressing at the edges. So, in this week of thanks giving, I offer my humble gratitude to you, lovely reader. Be kind to yourself and your beloveds, and nourish yourselves well...

Have at it, lovelies...

1 comment:

  1. I made it to level 50. I tell you this only in the spirit of sharing, not for any petty competitive reasons. Not at all. :)
