
To Dos Day

...for the excitement of October's Supporting Actress Sundays/Smackdown: 1940. The choice of year came courtesy of Nick of NicksPickFlicks who made the choice (with some input from the October Smackdowners). See, Nick celebrates his birthday in October and StinkyLulu wanted to make him a special present. It's a classic year -- Nick's favorite roster of Supporting Actresses ever -- and it promises to make for a great Smackdown.

___ Item 2: READY YOUR POST...
...for The William Wyler Blogathon hosted by the amazing goatdog. I'm still not sure what'll manifest as StinkyLulu's contributions to the festivities, but -- as Wyler directed 10 supporting actress nominees -- 'tis almost certain to include some prime actressing at the edges...

...for one of the most polarizing films of the year, Across the Universe. StinkyLulu's been primed for this one ever since Nathaniel asked me to participate in his 2007 "We Can't Wait" Blogsortium. The film opened this past weekend in limited release, but already StinkyLulu's more coastal buds have logged a wide array of compelling opinions. As for me, I adore brilliant disasters so I suspect I'm way good to go... Hopefully, the flick'll find a release in the Land of Enchantment and I'll actually get a chance to...

___ Item 4: GIVE A MOMENT'S PAUSE...
...in tribute to the recent passing of Marcia Mae Jones, somehow amidst the passing of Umeki, Wyman, L'Engle, and Sommers, I missed the transition of one of the greatest kid actors ever: Marcia Mae Jones (see also). Blessings...

___ Item 5: PREPARE...
...for the Celebration of Sophia -- just two more days.

...about whether or not StinkyLulu should keep on with the newish feature, Today in Supporting Actressness. Whaddaya think? The series is basically me sharing my own weekly ritual scan of the tv listings for my basic cable channels; as such, it will never be entirely comprehensive. It started as a whim and, though it's a little bit of extra work, I don't mind it. But if no one finds it useful, I might as well drop it. So: D'ya like it? D'ya not? 'Sup to you... Do let Lulu know in comments.

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. I love "Today in Supporting Actresses," but by the time I get home from work and see it, the day's half over already. Tomorrow or This Week in Supporting Actresses, perhaps, would make it an even more useful idea.

  2. OK - wait a minute - when did the color of Lulu's blog change? Have I been away that long?

    As for Sophia - I am such a fan . . .

  3. Love the October choice as I've always wanted to tackle that as well as 1939. :)

    Is it too late to sign up for October?
    JOIN Paris J'taime blog-athon:

  4. I agree with 1940. When you have Judith Anderson in Rebecca, Jane Darwell in Grapes of Wrath, and Ruth Hussey in Philadelphia Story, you've got possibly three of the best perfs to ever grace the category (I'd probably put all three in my personal top ten). An excellent choice, indeed.

  5. All of that and heaven, too - just wait'll you get a look at Barbara O'Neil.

  6. I agree about Barbara O'Neil...she's so good in "All This, and Heaven Too" she nearly blows Bette Davis off the screen (and we all know how hard that is).
