
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: CELEBRATE...
...the amazing Canadian Ken's birthday week by commenting wildly on his latest massive list: a full accounting of the 150 best female performances of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s...

___ Item 2: GIVE A MOMENT'S PAUSE...
...for the memory of 1957's Supporting Actress Miyoshi Umeki. Under normal circumstances, I would have tried to post on the occasion of Umeki's passing, as I consider her among the more fascinating movie actresses of her era. But, with all that's been a'poppin', a StinkyLulu tribute (like that for her Sayonara co-star Red Buttons) didn't manifest. Nonethe, do give a look to the comments by Alonso Duralde, Nathaniel Rogers, The Hyphen Blog and G.Allen Johnson. (Love ya too, Miss Jane Wyman...but Miyoshi's got my fascination.)

...to accommodate the necessary preparatory taks for the Celebration of Sophia -- 'specially the posting of offerings. (Hyuck. I so shameless.)...

___ Item 4: CONTEMPLATE...
...the astonishing premise of Naomi Klein's new book via this stomach scrunching video preview. On a day like today, when we'll likely encounter an array of reminders of how much -- and how little -- has changed in the past six years (!). Klein and Cuaron both seem to me to enact the kind of rigorous honesty, clarity and curiosity so necessary right now... (via The Nation)

...at the news that the "master of subtlety" Gil Cates is, once again, producing this year's Oscar telecast. Some love him, but criminy the Gil simply peeves the Lulu. But at least we are now assured of at least one major racial cringe moment; the man just can't help himself.

___ Item 6: FORGIVE...
...StinkyLulu for the abrupt change in template. The old template had been grating my optical nerves for a while, and then some loading problems tipped me over the edge. But, alas, it'll be a while before I can get all the formatting on old posts corrected, so my apologies in advance for any visual discordances. (Also, if you're linking up to an old post, give me a shout and I'll correct it sooner rather than later.) But here's to a new era in StinkyLulu-land!

Have at it, lovelies...

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