
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: CHECK OUT...
...StinkyLulu's contributions to the 20:07 series over at The Film Experience...

___ Item 2: MARVEL...
...at the wit and wisdom of StinkyLulu's major crush. "Dirty dirty porn water!"

___ Item 3: RECITE...
..."O Zephyr Winds" along with StinkyLulu and other children of the 70s. (Have no idea what I'm talking about? Check the video.)... (via Bright Lights After Dark)

___ Item 4: CONSIDER...
...helping a sister out during a time of need. (via ModFab.)

___ Item 5: SIMPSONIZE...
...yourself. You can start from scratch at the Simpson's movie site. Or -- more fun -- you can upload a picture and see what happens at the Burger King tie-in site. (I found the BK site much more entertaining & accurate.) A Simpsonized male StinkyLulu is at left, and the female version's at right (click either image to enlarge). Both are pretty near perfect, I'd say...

___ Item 6: CHECK BACK...
...on Wednesday for the announcement of the Supporting Actress Sunday roster for August (it's a real nailbiter!), the introduction of August's roster of Smackdowners, and the start of voting for August's candidates for "The Overlooked/By Request" profiles. So much Supporting Actressness. Whee!!!
Have at it, lovelies...


  1. OMG! ISIS! OMG, he says, with no irony whatsoever. I must own it.

  2. I thought I saw you were over at Film Exp - so much to keep track of!
