
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: CHECK BACK...
...on Wednesday for another "Overlooked Supporting Actress" profile. This one ain't by request necessarily (ranked 4th or 5th in the voting), unless you count StinkyLulu's executive authority as a request. But devoted voters, don't dismay: your 2nd Place request for the Overlooked series will be up next Wednesday.

___ Item 2: WITNESS...
...the unrelenting intelligence of Rachel Maddow. StinkyLulu's inner lesbian just gets all, ahem, riled by that Rachel.

___ Item 3: SPANK...
...the always deserving JA at My New Plaid Pants. And while you're there, be sure to check out his bit of birthday genius.

___ Item 4: CONTEMPLATE...
...the bluegum's incisive discussion of The Magic Negress...

___ Item 5: DISCUSS the following proposition...
...Parting Glances is the best gay movie ever. For reference see Ernest Hardy and Fag Yer It. Support your position with specific examples from gay cinema - past, present and future. Feel free to have this discussion in comments, when out with friends, during pilates class, while in line at the DMV...

___ Item 6: VOTE...
...for August's Supporting Actress roster in the column at top right...

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. Aww, thanks for the b-day linkage. And spank away! Though thirty might be a bit brutal. ;-)

  2. Poison ranks a lot higher than PG in my overall movie heart, but as far as movies by/about the gays (as specifically distinct from the lesbians)...I think PG is as good as they get. And while the Forster-fetishism doesn't really work for me, I do like Maurice better now than I did at first. (Prick Up Your Ears, too.)

    My favorite c/overtly gay horror movie is Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge.

  3. Prick Up Your Ears is really good too but depressing as hell if memory serves me right. You've made me curious about seeing Parting Glances again since it's been so many years.

    I love any film with cute British school boys so movies like Another Country and Maurice are favorites. The haircuts, the clothing, the accents... yum!

    I don't understand why there are so many great lesbian horror films and so few gay ones. I can only assume it's because straight males are making the movies, but the films I really like such as Daughters of Darkness tend to be very smart and well done.
