
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: TURN chartreuse...
...with mild envy of StinkyLulu's weeklong masterclass adventure with this reigning performance art diva.

___ Item 2: FLUSH...
...Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle. Details here. (Via The Gist).

___ Item 3: REVEL...
...in recapaliciousness with the Big Brother Trifecta, featuring QTA, ModFab and Tapeworthy. StinkyLulu's a BBB (Big Brother's B*tch) from way back, and this trifecta is delivering a perfect blend of reportage, snark and reverie. If you watch, then you must follow the Big Brother Trifecta.

___ Item 4: PERUSE...
...the diverse brilliance assembled by Emma's Performance That Changed My Life Blogathon. Frankly, Emma's blogathon premise is among the most interesting Lu's yet encountered & the varied entries demonstrate that. Among Lu's faves include entries by CINEBEATS, Self Styled Siren, Nathaniel, and Stale Popcorn...but the whole roster's definitely worth a read. (See StinkyLulu's entry a few posts down or here.) (SEE ALSO CRITICLASM'S MUST-READ LATE ENTRY!!!)

___ Item 5: SHAKE you groove thing...
...to the many melodious marvels assembled by ModFab's "The Top Songs of the Year (Thusfar)". StinkyLulu was pleased to be among the contributors, proudly representing the contemporary folky pop contingent. And, truly, if you haven't listened to Jay Brannan yet -- you just should.

___ Item 6: CHECK BACK...
...on Wednesday for StinkyLulu's first installment in the "Overlooked Supporting Actress '88 - By Request" series, featuring a profile of the overwhelming vote getter in the first round of polling. Suffice it - you do know how to test an actressexual, lovely reader...

Have at it, lovelies...

1 comment:

  1. I teach "Two Undiscovered Amerindians Visit Spain" to my Intro to Theatre for Non-Majors students! I am very jealous.
