
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: PAUSE...
...to reflect on the passing of one of the most effective ambassadors of "high culture" ever to grace the American imagination: Beverly Sills. And enjoy her guest appearance on the best television show ever. Blessings, Bubbles.

___ Item 2: PREPARE your post...
...for Emma's Very First Blogathon: The Performance That Changed Your Life. StinkyLulu's readying a riff on a truly supporting turn in the film that Lulu's screened more times than perhaps any other.

___ Item 3: MARVEL at the nuance...
...in the true art of Lip Synch. Two kinds of lip synch performance inspire Lulu to rhapsodize in awe. There's the genius of imitative precision that is Lypsinka. And, then, there's the non-stop, stunt-tastic splendor of Tandi Iman Dupree. Watch it till the end...you won't regret it. (via World of Wonder.)

___ Item 4: START SHOPPING for...
...StinkyLulu's birthday. Sure, it's 78 days away. But you can always get your pre-orders in for a couple items on StinkyLulu's Wish List. There's the extras-packed delight of Option A, or the dear hearted craziness of Option B (audiobook version please). Both options are scheduled for release during StinkyLulu's birthday week. Now if that ain't an omen, I dunno what. It's so nice of the universe to keep lil StinkyLulu in mind that way...

___ Item 5: CONTEMPLATE the passing...
...of the TV movie critic. Joel Seigel's death this week marked the passing of the only icon of the first/last generation of TV movie reviewers to retain his place on his home broadcast, the others having also died, left regular tv because of chronic illness, or lapsed into the irrelevance of ideological or stylistic caricature. StinkyLulu grew up hooked on these televised movie reviewers. And as each one shuffles along, it becomes ever clearer that the era of the TV movie review is over. And, for all Siegel's stupid punniness, StinkyLulu remained ever fond of Siegel because he -- like both Siskel and Ebert -- was a defiant movie lover, someone who genuinely wanted to fall in love with each movie. The only real representative of the new generation -- that asshat Roeper -- is an unrepentant movie consumer, who wants only for the movie to satisfy and flatter his own preconceived notions. It's a qualitative difference, but it's a meaningful one. I'm not sure what Siegel's passing means for the future of popular movie commentary, but this much is clear -- the future ain't in the idiot box.

___ Item 6: CHECK OUT...
...some new-ish features on StinkyLulu. Like the voting for the Overlooked film from this year in Supporting Actressness - 1988. Starting this month, StinkyLulu will do a Supporting Actress profile for at least the top vote getter among the overlooked films/performances listed in the voting panel at right. Also, be sure to check out the mini-reviews that StinkyLulu's started incorporating into StinkyLulu's 2007 Film Log and StinkyLulu's Home Movies (also both linked at top right). These rambling little blurbs gather StinkyLulu's thoughts on recent screenings (and are inspired by RBurton's nifty annotated screening lists). Also, look for a new category in that right column in the next few weeks: Listening With StinkyLulu, which'll feature brief commentary on the audiobooks and cds that StinkyLulu's absorbing while motoring around the town. Just another few ways this blog keeps track of Lu's many many thoughts while also keeping those fingers tapping. Thanks, lovely reader, for all of it...

Have at it, lovelies...


  1. It's July, you shameless hussy. Your birthday, national holiday though it should indeed be, is two and a half months away. For Pete's sake.

  2. Like I said - 78 days. The modern blog reader is very busy. I'm just trying to be considerate.

    While also being greedy.
