
To Dos Day

___ Item 1: (RE)WITNESS the glorious rebirth of...
...Nathaniel's legendary "She's A Bitch!" video. You really should schedule a monthly, or weekly, or daily dose of this gem.

___ Item 2: VOTE on everything...
...including what year should we do for June's Smackdown? Whether the actions of the current President warrant impeachment? Who should win American Idol? And even -- in the nifty review over at Joe's Movie Corner -- who should've won for Best Supporting Actress 2006?

___ Item 3: GUFFAW at the inanity...
...of StinkyLulu's latest most favoritest website: passive-aggressive notes from roommates, neighbors, coworkers and strangers.
(See Lu's previous/enduring fave here.)

___ Item 4: EXCITE your dramageek self...
...with JJ's genius Tony Award musings, not to mention the insider poop now on near daily dish by Modern Fabulousity.

___ Item 5: BE an athletic supporter...
...by donating to FagYerIt's fabulous BICYCLORAMA! Or, if you happen to be in the greater Los Angeles area, buy a ticket for his 1-man benefit fandango. This old pal of StinkyLulu's (and regular Smackdowner) is really putting it out there -- have you seen him in that bike outfit? -- and all for a worthy cause. So, lovely reader, show this tall drink of water some lovin' if you can.

___ Item 6: TUNE IN for the actressexual pleasures...
...of this Sunday's Supporting Actress Smackdown for 1950. Canadian Ken's joining StinkyLulu in welcoming a brave and brilliant new crew of Smackdowners for May: Vertigo's Psycho from And Your Little Blog Too; James Henry from Rants of a Diva; and Samurai Frog from Electronic Cerebrectomy. 1950's one of the most legendary years for actressing, perhaps ever, and the actresses at the edges contribute more than their share. And (from what I've seen so far) this Smackdown might just be delicious...

Have at it, lovelies...