
To Dos Day

___ Item 1:
DISCOVER the answers to all life's questions...

...or at least the 5 Questions posed by StinkyLulu to Your Mom and Fag Yer It.

___ Item 2:
WANDER down memory lane...

...with everyone's favorite racial/racist corporate spokescharacters. A hoot.

___ Item 3:
PREPARE to be amazed...
...by the Nietzschean Family Circus. Not to be missed... (Via Andrew Sullivan)

___ Item 4:
SPECULATE on the ocular delights...
...of StinkyLulu's new banner. First to correctly identify the owner of May's featured peepers in comments wins a prize (3 books from PaperBackSwap).

___ Item 5:
PITCH some pennies...

...to benefit some of StinkyLulu's favorite princesses. See, several glamorous gals in StinkyLulu's circle are raising money for good causes. Even better, they're each undertaking wild, wondrous adventures at the same time. First, there's StinkyLu's good pal, Fag Yer It, who'll don some nifty tights and wiggle his wheels all up & down & through the Cali coast. Then, not one but two of StinkyLulu's current students are competing for the tiara of Miss New Mexico. (!!!!!!) Yes, indeedy. StinkyLulu can only marvel at the tenacity of all three princesses, living their dreams and all, while also doing good deeds. But us mere mortals can surely do our part & toss a buck or two the way of their designated charities, can't we... (Click on the previous links to route to the donation sites.) Alas, The Stinkys are unable to jaunt out to La La Land to support dear FagYerIt in early June, BUT we are planning on tooling down to Alamogordo to see the Miss New Mexico Pageant. And, yes, StinkyLu will provide a full report, lovely reader.

___ Item 6:
HEED the call...

...to be a Smackdowner in May, June or July. StinkyLulu'd like to get the Smackdowner line-up all ready for the next few months so the Smackdown doesn't again suffer from late attrition like it did in April/1985. Just look at your calendar to see which of the upcoming months look most reasonable. We don't know the roster in advance so you've got to be willing to rummage around your neighborhood &/or reorder your queue appropriately. (StinkyLulu does try to help with the greater obscurities). StinkyLulu'll be signing up 5 folks (2 regulars, 2 newbies, plus one "alternate") for May, June and July. Just holler & we'll get things lined up.

Have at it, lovelies...

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom just sent me an email in which she guessed the eyes correctly... (I thought this was going to be a hard one.) But I'll keep the "contest" open if anyone wants to guess in comments...
