
Supporting Actress Sundays for April '07: 1985

WOW. It seems that Supporting Actress Sundays will start its second year with a bang with nearly 200 votes to determine the year under scrutiny for April. But 'twas the 75 or clicks behind 1985 that made this year's voting such a rout. Just think: a year ago, when Supporting Actress Sundays started, only eight folks weighed in to decide upon 1958. What a difference a year makes. Thanks for your devotion, lovely reader. StinkyLulu's really looking forward to the next 9 months of actressing at the edges, with y'all in tow o'course. Voting for May's roster will commence in couple weeks (voting typically start on the second Monday of the month). But, for now, whet your whistles for this coming Sunday and the start of April's Month of Supporting Actress Sundays:


Supporting Actresses Smackdown for 1985:
Sunday, April 29.
save the date!

And even though it is crunch time the Land of Academentia, StinkyLulu's recent "warm-up overlooked" series has gotten all excited about a coupla titles for 1985. So, if at all possible, there'll be at least one or two entries into CouldaShouldaWoulda Wednesdays. (BUT please do feel free to work up your own independent 1985 contribution to the informal "Overlooked" series bravely led by Canadian Ken). Just holler with the details & Lu'll be sure to give good linkage.)

Here's to a New Year of Supporting Actress Sundays!
Whoo-whee, off we go!!!!!


  1. Did we see the Color Purple together originally? I don't think I've seen it since the original screening at the Coronado 4. This year wasn't my pick, but now I'm intrigued....

    I would love to hear about Miranda Richardson in Dance with a Stranger, but I fear she's a lead. What about Rita Wolf in My Beautiful Laundrette. "I'd rather drink my own urine" is one of my fave lines ever, and she rocked in Kushner's "Homebody/Kabul". And what about Audra Lindley in Desert Hearts?

  2. A few weeks back, when I first started the "overlooked" warmup, I really didn't expect 1985 to take it and readying to choose between the following (in loose order of interest/preference):

    After Hours - Catherine O'Hara & Teri Garr
    Desert Hearts - Audra Linley
    Brazil - Katherine Helmond
    Perfect - Laraine Newman
    Mask - Laura Dern

    There's also Purple Rose of Cairo and, as you say, My Beautiful Laundrette...

    We'll have to see how many I can get to.

    (And, criticlasm, 1985 is right at the very front edge of our movie-going friendship. You may have seen TCP with CampfireSally though. I seem to recall seeing TCP at Cinema I•II•III.)

  3. Ah, Cinema I II III.

    I heart Catherine O'Hara in the movie--she's brilliant--I would love to hear about that.

    And Perfect--Wow.

  4. I too love Garr and O'Hara (as well as Rosanna Arquette and Linda Fiorentino) in "After Hours". As for O'Hara, she has a fantastic deleted scene on the DVD that really shoulda been kept in the movie.

    Another overlooked entry is Ann Wedgeworth in "Sweet Dreams", making her the second (after Audra Lindley) "Three's Company" alumni to be mentioned on this page!

    Also, Richardson is most definitely the lead in "Dance With a Stranger".

  5. I have dream of an Ann Wedgeworth/Celia Weston vehicle. One can dream...

  6. Ann Wedgworth is terrific in Sweet Dreams. I really love her in the movie, and the movie, too.
