
Gotta Love Free Tampons (Do The Next Right Thing Mondays)

StinkyLu's always been shocked at the ridiculous price of tampons and pads ('specially the nice kind) and has long thought they should just be free. But they're not. And for Women's Shelters (which generally help with food, clothes and diapers) the additional expense not infrequently gets in the way of providing for this basic support. But what's nifty is that Seventh Generation (the "green" household products company; great TP) has created a no-cost "virtual donation" program whereby you -- for just a click and a drag -- can help. Just click on the image at left and follow the instructions. For each virtual donation, Seventh Generation will send a pack of organic cotton tampons or chlorine-free pads to a shelter in your state or the state of your choice.

So get to clickin', lovely reader. The ladies need those pads!

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