
"Spoil The Pool" Party With StinkyLulu

This year’s Oscars are among the most depressingly predictable in years. For fans of the big night, especially aficionados of the traditional pool parties that go along with it, the proceedings seem to hold a touch less excitement than they should. So, to mix things up just a smidge, StinkyLulu’s decided to hostess a special, virtual “Spoil the Pool" Party. In this contrarian fandango, participants are asked pick the one nominee they think most likely – or the one they just want – to cause an “upset” by winning in their respective category. (If you are so inclined to join the fun, lovely reader, just email StinkyLulu & I'll send you a“ballot” listing the 10 most “locked” races as well as instructions for donating to the “pool maintenance” fund.)

Maybe this’ll keep a little bit of excitement in this year’s pool party...

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