
StinkyLulu Hearts David Rakoff

I don't know how I missed this.

MrStinky's only real competition might well be David Rakoff -- with whom StinkyLulu's long been in deep writerly crush largely for his mordantly pensive style of cultural comment on This American Life (check out episode #248). Well, not-MrStinky has recently completed a three-week, one-man blogathon apropos the recent Essentially Woody retrospective at NYC's FilmForum. A blog post for every day's screenings. Rakoff's distinctive voice commenting on Woody's incomparable ouevre. Yowza. Woulda been nifty to follow along, but now...it's a delicious gorge. Enjoy...

click image for link

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that. Such great writing. Made me miss NY (again), and then remember (again) that the reality and fantasy are quite different, and it's nigh on challenging to live on the island without six figures. Such a great piece. Or set.
